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Interdependencies with the Brazilian community

In order to expand the interdependence networks in figurational studies, it is with a great satisfaction that we inform that the Norbert Elias Foundation’s Blog, from now on, will contain posts with content produced by Brazilian researchers. Given Brazil’s interest in Elisian sociology, expressed by holding periodic symposia since 1996 to discuss different social phenomena from a figurational and procedural point of view, the number of studies produced with outstanding importance in their results has been significant. In this sense, reports will be organized summarizing the researches main aspects and informing, when it’s possible, the link to access the full text.
Likewise, the other Blog posts will be translated into Portuguese to facilitate the ideas exchange and the expansion of the Elisian community around the world, given the Portuguese-speaking countries the opportunity to participate more actively in the debates and discussions in this field.

For this first contact, we organized an eight most cited publications list (according to Google Scholar), from which it is possible to know some themes that have been studied by Brazilian researchers:

(Click on the titles in Portuguese to access the full text)

1. Técnica, esporte, rendimento (VAZ, 2001)
[Techinique, sport, performance]

2. Formação, educação e emoções: o processo de civilização (BRANDÃO, 2003)
[Formation, education and emotions: the civilization process]

3. Monopólio estético e diversidade configuracional no futebol brasileiro (DAMO, 2003)
[Aesthetic monopoly and configurational diversity in Brazilian football]

4. A teoria de Norbert Elias: uma análise do ser professor (HUNGER; ROSSI; SOUZA NETO, 2011)
[Norbert Elias’ theory: an analysis of being a teacher]

5. Esporte e qualidade de vida: reflexão sociológica (MARQUES, 2007)
[Sport & Quality of Life: sociological reflection]

6. A racionalidade escolar como processo civilizador: a moral que captura almas (BOTO, 2010)
[School racionality as a civilizing process: the morality that captures souls]

7. A sociologia processual de Norbert Elias (LANDINI, 2005)
[Norbert Elias’ procedural sociology]

8. As referências de Pierre Bourdieu e Norbert Elias na Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte: mapeando tendências de apropriação e de produção de conhecimento na área de Educação Física (1979-2007) (MEDEIROS; GODOY, 2009)
[Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias references in the Brazilian Journal of Sport Sciences: mapping trends of appropriation and prodution of knowledge in Physical Education field (1979-2007)]

Research conducted in March 2020.