Contact us
Norbert Elias Foundation
P.O. box 2466
1000 CL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail address
The Norbert Elias Foundation is the copyright holder of all Elias’s published works. Works already published may not be republished, even partially or in translation, except for short passages for criticism or review, without the written permission of the literary agency of the Norbert Elias Foundation, Liepman AG. For publication permissions, please consult:
Marc Koralnik
Liepman AG
Asylstrasse 92
CH-8032 Zürich
Telephone: +41 (0) 43 268 2380
Fax: +41 (0) 43 268 2381
Unpublished Documents
The Norbert Elias Foundation is also the copyright holder of the Norbert Elias archive, which is now located at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv (DLA), Marbach am Neckar, near Stuttgart.
Unpublished manuscripts and other hitherto unpublished documents may not be published, even partially or in paraphrase, without the written permission of the Norbert Elias Foundation. For publication permissions, please write a letter specifying the document(s) you wish to quote or publish to the Board of the Norbert Elias Foundation at the Amsterdam address given above (that is, J.J. Viottastraat 13, 1071 JM Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
The Papers in Archive catalogue lists both Elias’s published works and unpublished papers.