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Figurations Newsletter

Figurations has been published twice a year, in June (now July) and December (now February), since 1994. All past issues are available for downloading below.

Figurations is not a journal, but it is a newsletter that often includes short articles of interest to members of the international Figurations Research Network, together with summaries of recent books, journal articles, book reviews and conference reports. All back issues are available to download below, and constitute a valuable resource for all who are interested in Norbert Elias or in the figurational approach to understanding human society.

From its inception in 1994, Figurations was edited by Stephen Mennell. Barbara Gornicka was appointed his successor as Editor from 1 January 2017 until Wai Lau (Leon) and Alex Mack became the Managing Editors since 2021. Stephen Mennell continues to act as Consultant Editor. The Honorary Editor is Katie Liston, and Honorary Assistant Editors are Florence Delmotte, Brussels (French); Tabea Dörfelt-Mathey (Jena) and Heike Hammer, Stuttgart (German); Tatiana Savoia Landini, São Paulo (Spanish and Portuguese, Latin America); Radosław Kossakowski, Gdańsk (Polish); and Irem Özgören Kinli (Turkish). The postal address for the newsletter will temporarily remain in Dublin.

Figurations is distributed free of charge on request to researchers, institutes, or libraries. If you wish to subscribe to Figurations or update your email address, please email with your name and email address, entitling your email as either ‘New Subscription’ or ‘Update Subscription’.

Latest issue

Figurations – 62

Published on: 2025-02-03


Past issues

Figurations – 52a (Goudsblom memorial)


Figurations – 36a (Nico Wilterdink)


Figurations 34a (Giselinde Kuipers)


Figurations – 28a (Abram de Swan)
