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In this section of the website the Norbert Elias Foundation compiles all primary sources on Norbert Elias.


The original list was compiled by Saskia Visser for the Norbert Elias Foundation in the 1990s. The Foundation tried to get an overview and thereby hired Saskia, who did an excellent job in indexing everything she found.

When the estate went to the Deutsche Literatur Archiv in Marbach the list was handed over to the archive and worked as an official inventory. With the rise of the internet, the list was put online. A revised version has been published by Gerhard Fröhlich and Ingo Mörth in their project HyperElias This site is active.

Advice on Access

Most objects here are located in the Deutsche Literaturarchiv  in Marbach, a town near Stuttgart. From Stuttgart’s main railway station the “Marbach Schillerhöhe” is a 40 min. journey by commuter train and local bus. You can find directions on

Other material is located in the Leicester University Archive

Archive Name

Category of the object

Sub Category


Archive Name Inventory # Name of the Object Category Sub Category Year(s) Medium Extend
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1 Pocket agenda with annexes Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1947 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 2 Pocket agenda with annexes Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1947 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1 Pocket agenda with annexes Professional Life Universities in Germany 1914 Microform 1976, 1978, 1980, n.d.. 1 cover.
London School of Economics GINSBERG/1/4 Correspondence with Dr. Samuel Eisenstadt Professional Life British Universities 1948 Letters
National Archive of Breslau General Birth Records Birth Certificate of Norbert Elias Private life Identity papers 1897 Documents and Identy papers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 3 Pocket agendas with annexes Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1948 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 4 Pocket agendas with annexes 1948 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1948 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 5 Pocket agendas with annexes 1949 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1949 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 6 Pocket agendas with annexes 1950 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1950 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 7 Pocket agendas with annexes 1952 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1952 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 8 Pocket agendas with annexes 1953 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1953 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 9 Pocket agendas with annexes 1954 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1954 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 10 Pocket agendas with annexes 1955 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1955 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 11 Pocket agendas with annexes 1957 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1957 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 12 Pocket agendas with annexes 1958 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1958 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 13 Pocket agendas with annexes 1958-1959 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1958 - 1959 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 14 Pocket agendas with annexes 1959-1960 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1959 - 1960 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 15 Pocket agendas with annexes 1960-1961 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1960 - 1961 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 16 Pocket agendas with annexes 1962 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1962 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 17 Pocket agendas with annexes 1973 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1973 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 17a Pocket agendas with annexes 1974 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1974 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 18 Pocket agendas with annexes 1976 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1976 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 19 Pocket agendas with annexes 1977 Correspondence and Agendas Pocket Agendas 1977 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 20 Bureau agendas with annexes 1969 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1969 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 21 Bureau agendas with annexes 1982 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1982 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 22 Bureau agendas with annexes 1984 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1984 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 23 Bureau agendas with annexes 1984 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1984 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 24 Bureau agendas with annexes 1985 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1985 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 24a Bureau agendas with annexes 1986 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1986 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 24b Bureau agendas with annexes 1987 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1987 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 24c Bureau agendas with annexes 1988 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1988 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 24d Bureau agendas with annexes 1989 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1989 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 25 Bureau agendas with annexes 1990 Correspondence and Agendas Bureau agendas 1990 Manuscript
DLA Marbach A-Elias 26 Lists of travel and work schedules Professional Life Universities in Germany 1976 - 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1976, 1978, 1980, n.d.. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 99 Note to draft codicil. Private life Legal advice and wills Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 32 Abbas Eltahir, de Benoist, A Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 33 Benthem van den Bergh, G. van, Brands, M. and F. Wieringa Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 34 Braun, H-J / Braun, M, Cowell, F.R. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 35 Cramer, T., Föste, W Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 36 Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichten Forschung - Gossman, L. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 37 Goudsblom, J. and M., Grohs, G. and E Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 38 Growe, B., Hummell, H.J. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 39 Humphreys, A., Kilminster, R. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 41 Kroode, H. ten., Luckmann, T. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 42 Ludes, P., Mends, E. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 43 Mennell, S. and B., Nagb?l. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 44 Nahrstedt, W., Preston, P. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 45 Preusler, B., Runeby, N. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 46 Ruppert, W., Seglow, I. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 47 Seglow, P., Spencer, L Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 48 Sperle, N., Tyrell, H. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 49 Üner, E., Willener, A. and L. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 50 Willhardt, R., Zwirner, E. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 51 Letters received by and copies and drafts of letters sent by N. Elias with illegible names or lacking names. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 52 Adedeji, A., Han, W.D. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 53 Hasanuddin, M., Owusu, J. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 54 Pawley, P.G., Ziegellaub, F., D., H. and M. Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 55 Correspondence concerning requests for off-prints Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence Letters 3 covers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 56 Passports Private life Identity papers 1952 Documents and Identy papers 4 quires
DLA Marbach A-Elias 57 Passports Private life Identity papers 1962 Documents and Identy papers 4 quires
DLA Marbach A-Elias 57a Passports Private life Identity papers 1972 Documents and Identy papers 4 quires
DLA Marbach A-Elias 58 Passports Private life Identity papers 1982 Documents and Identy papers 4 quires
DLA Marbach A-Elias 59 Travel document Private life Travels 1948 Documents and Identy papers 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 60 National Registration Identity card Private life Identity papers Documents and Identy papers n.d.. 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 61 Correspondence with banks: Barclays Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence 1956 - 1990 Letters 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 62 Correspondence with banks: Barclays - National Westminster Bank Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence 1956 - 1990 Letters 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 63 Correspondence with accountants and other financial advisers Private life Finance 1936 - 1988 Letters 1936, 1949-1988, n.d. 1 folder. See index for names.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 64 Correspondence concerning tax Private life Finance 1950 - 1985 Letters 1 cover, 1955-1959, 1962, 1964, 1970-1971, 1985.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 65 Correspondence with several ministries and departments concerning financial matters Private life Finance 1950 - 1970 Letters 1962, 1964-1967, 1969-1970, n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 67 Receipt of allowance received from the Central British Fund for German Jewry Private life Finance 1936 Letters 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 68a Journals of expenditures Private life Finance 1950 - 1952 Letters 1950-1952. 2 vols
DLA Marbach A-Elias 68b Journals of expenditures Private life Finance 1951 - 1952 Letters 1951-1952. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 69 File concerning exchange control, Ghana Private life Finance 1964 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 70 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning shares. Private life Finance Letters 2 covers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 71 Copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning several financial matters Private life Finance 1962 - 1970 Letters 1962, 1970. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 72 List with postal addresses in the United Kingdom Private life Household 1935 - 1948 Manuscript 1935-1948. n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 73 Ration books Private life Household 1944 - 1950 Book 1944-1945, 1947-1950. 5 quires.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 74 File concerning household in Ghana Private life Household 1962 - 1966 Manuscript 1962-1964, 1966. 2 covers.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 75 Correspondence concerning secretarial help Private life Household 1962 - 1980 Letters 1962, 1970, 1973, 1980, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 76 Correspondence concerning the acquisition of house 19b Central Avenue, Leicester Private life Household 1971 Letters 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 77 List of furniture of houses 19a and 19b Central Avenue, Leicester Private life Household Manuscript n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 78 List of wallpaper and paint colours of house Private life Household Manuscript n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 82 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by Norbert Elias concerning travels Private life Travels Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 83 Letters received by and copies of letters sent by Norbert Elias concerning hotels. Private life Travels Manuscript 2 covers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 85 Copies of letters sent to pharmaceutical industries Private life Health 1971 Letters 1988. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 86a Certificate of vaccination Private life Health 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1976-1977. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 93 Wills Private life Legal advice and wills 1965 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 94 Wills Private life Legal advice and wills 1972 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 95 Wills Private life Legal advice and wills 1973 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 96 Wills Private life Legal advice and wills 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 97 Wills Private life Legal advice and wills 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 98 Wills Private life Legal advice and wills 1981 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 100 Letters received by and copy of a letter sent by N. Elias on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1977 Letters 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 101 Documents concerning anniversary volume presented at his 80th birthday Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1974 - 1975 Documents and Identy papers 1975, n.d. 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 102 Text of a speech by Renate Rubinstein on the occasion of his 80th birthday Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1977 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 103 Correspondence received on the occasion of his 85th birthday Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1982 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 104 Correspondence received on the occasion of his 90th birthday Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1987 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 105 Documents concerning the festivities on his 90th birthday Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 106 Text of and notes concerning a speech by N. Elias on the occasion of his 90th birthday (2 versions). Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 107 Correspondence with the municipality of the town of Frankfurt on the occasion of several birthdays Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1987 - 1990 Letters 1980-1990, n.d. 2 covers.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 108 Documents concerning the bestowment of the Große Verdienstkreuz mit Stern on N. Elias Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 109 Documents concerning the appointment of N. Elias to Commander of the order of Orange-Nassau Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 112 Diploma of the graduation on the thesis 'Idee und Individuum', photocopy Private life Festivities, decorations and graduation 1924 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 114 Documents concerning N. Elias's acquisition of British citizenship Private life Citizenship and compensation 1951 - 1952 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 116 Documents concerning re-establishment of N. Elias's German citizenship Private life Citizenship and compensation 1977 - 1979 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 117 Inventory lists of African objects of art. Other activities African art collection 1964 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 118 Pack list of African figures Other activities African art collection Manuscript n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 119 List of drawings and measurements of African objects of art. Other activities African art collection Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 120 List of size of figures and masks relating to photographs. Other activities African art collection Manuscript n.d. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 121 Notes on African objects of art. Other activities African art collection Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 126 Correspondence on various subjects concerning N. Elias's collection of African Art Other activities African art collection 1965 Letters 1969-1970, 1981, 1984, 1987. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 127 Inventory lists of N. Elias's manuscripts compiled by Berckel, M. van Private life Book and inventory lists 1975 Manuscript 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 128 Card index of N. Elias's manuscripts compiled by Berckel, M. van Other activities Documentation on Elias Manuscript n.d. 1 card index
DLA Marbach A-Elias 129 Lists of N. Elias's manuscripts Other activities Documentation on Elias Manuscript n.d. 5 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 130 Pack list of N. Elias's books Private life Book and inventory lists Manuscript n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 134 Letter from the director of studies for tutorial classes Professional Life British Universities 1944 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 135 Letters received by N. Elias concerning lectures to be given at the Chelsea Polytechnic Centre Professional Life British Universities 1945 Letters 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 136 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a proposed statement for University Extension Centres Professional Life British Universities 1947 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 138 Correspondence with the clerks of the Department of Extra-Mural Studies Professional Life British Universities 1948 - 1953 Letters 1948-1950, 1953. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 139 Correspondence with the director of the Department of Extra-Mural Studies. Professional Life British Universities 1949 Letters 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 140 Correspondence with organizing tutors of the Department of Extra-Mural Studies. Professional Life British Universities 1949 - 1956 Letters 1955-1956. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 142 Correspondence with the academic advisor for tutorial classes. Professional Life British Universities 1948 - 1957 Letters 1948-1950, 1954, 1956-1957. n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 143 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a class to be given in Harrow Professional Life British Universities 1952 Letters 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 144 Documents received by N. Elias concerning the accountancy office. Professional Life British Universities 1950 - 1956 Documents and Identy papers 1952-1953, 1955-1956. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 145 Document received from the University of London library. Professional Life British Universities 1950 Documents and Identy papers 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 146 Documents concerning the University Extension Lecturers' Conference. Professional Life British Universities 1953 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 148 Documents concerning N. Elias's tutorship in adult education for the British Zone of Germany Professional Life Universities in Germany 1947 Documents and Identy papers 1947-1948, 1950, 1952. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 151 Documents received by N. Elias concerning lectureship at the University of Reading. Professional Life British Universities 1953 - 1955 Documents and Identy papers 1953-1955. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 152 Letter received by N. Elias concerning Summer School to be given in Chichester. Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1947 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 153 Letter received by N. Elias concerning lectures given at Wilton Park Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1948 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 154 Letter received by N. Elias concerning course at Morley College. Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1950 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 155 Correspondence concerning leadership of discussions of the International Quaker Seminars. Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1953 - 1966 Letters 1953-1956 1958, 1960-1961, 1966. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 156 Texts and drafts of texts of syllabi of courses given by N. Elias. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1944 - 1957 Documents and Identy papers 1944, 1947-1957, n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 157 Texts of syllabi given by other or unknown lecturers. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1942 - 1947 Documents and Identy papers 1946-1947, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 158 Prospectus of class programmes of the Workers' Educational Association Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1949 - 1953 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 159 Prospectus of scheme of study for the diploma in sociology of the University of London. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 3 copies.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 160 Lists of books of courses given by N. Elias Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 - 1956 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 161 Accession lists of books of the University of London travelling libraries. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1942 - 1956 Documents and Identy papers [1944-1948], [1950-1954], [1956]. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 162 Text of first lecture and seminar on psychology, Hillcroft College, Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1950 Documents and Identy papers 1 sheet
DLA Marbach A-Elias 163 Texts of a series of lectures on psychology, with annex. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1951 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 164 Text of a lecture in social psychology Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 165 Notes concerning a course in social psychology. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 169 Text of lecture or lectures in social psychology (incomplete) and notes on lectures. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1944 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 170 Notes on lectures on occupational choice and an essay by student. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1952 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 173 Students' accounts of a tutorial class in psychology by N. Elias Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1947 Documents and Identy papers 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 174 Students' accounts of a class by N. Elias on social psychology, with annex Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1951 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 176 File concerning classes by N. Elias on social psychology, with students' essays Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 - 1946 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 177 File 'Essays Summer School", with students' essays Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1944 - 1947 Documents and Identy papers 1944-1945, 1947, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 178 File 'Students' Essays', with essays by students of various classes Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 - 1950 Documents and Identy papers 1945-1947, 1950, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 181 File concerning various classes given by N. Elias, with students' essays Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 - 1952 Documents and Identy papers 1945-1946, 1950, 1952, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 182 Documents concerning two Summers Schools of the University of London at Frensham Heights. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1949 - 1957 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 183 Lists and texts and drafts of texts of examination questions and essay topics. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1949 - 1958 Documents and Identy papers 1949, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1958, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 184 Documents concerning reports on students. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1946 - 1950 Documents and Identy papers 1946, 1948-1950, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 185 Documents concerning enrolment and attendance of students. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1949 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 186 List of staff members and lectures given by them at Westonbirt Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1950 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 187 Questionnaire for optimism-pessimism enquiry. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 188 Letters from students concerning a class by N. Elias on social psychology. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 Letters 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 189 Letters received by and copies of letters and circulars sent by N. Elias concerning various classes. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1946 - 1953 Letters 1946, 1948-1953, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 190 Address list of participant students and teachers at the International Seminars, summer 1953 Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1953 - 1953 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 191 Documents concerning the International Seminars, summer 1955 Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1955 - 1955 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 192 Prospectus concerning the International Seminars, summer 1962 Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1962 - 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 193 Documents concerning the appointment as lecturer at the University of Leicester. Professional Life British Universities 1954 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 195 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the registrar's offfice Professional Life British Universities 1954 Documents and Identy papers 1954-1966, 1970-1972, 1975-1977, 1980-1981.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 197 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the finance office Professional Life British Universities 1979 Documents and Identy papers 1979-1990. 1 coer.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 199 Correspondence with the Department of Economics. Professional Life British Universities 1952 Letters 1956-1958. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 200 Copies of letters sent by N. Elias to the Vice-Chancellor. Professional Life British Universities 1958 Letters 1958-1959, 1962, n.d. 6 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 201 Documents received by and copy of a letter sent by N. Elias concerning the University library Professional Life British Universities 1965 Documents and Identy papers 1965- 1966, 1976, 1979-1980, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 202 Correspondence with the computer laboratory. Professional Life British Universities 1967 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 203 Letters received by N. Elias from the Research Board Professional Life British Universities 1954 - 1958 Letters 1958. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 204 Diary of the University of Leicester for 1958-1959 Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1958 - 1959 Book 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 205 Lists of staff rooms. Professional Life British Universities 1954 - 1957 Documents and Identy papers 1957. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 206 Time-table for university examinations. Professional Life British Universities 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 207 Minutes and agenda of the Board of the faculty of the social sciences. Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 208 Memoranda of the faculty of the social sciences. Professional Life British Universities 1960 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 209 Documents concerning various subjects pertaining to the faculty of the social sciences Professional Life British Universities 1959 - 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1962. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 210 List of staff members of the Department of Sociology Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 211 Working account of the Department of Sociology 1956-1957 Professional Life British Universities 1957 - 1957 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 212 Convocation for meetings of the Department of Sociology. Professional Life British Universities 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 213 Documents concerning Staff Seminars of the Department of Sociology. Professional Life British Universities 1961 - 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1961-1962. 5 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 214 Memorandum concerning grants of the Leverhulme Trust. Professional Life British Universities 1960 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 215 Memorandum of the Department of Sociology concerning examination of students. Professional Life British Universities 1970 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 216 Memoranda of the Development Committee. Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 218 Letter received by N. Elias concerning the application for an unspecified university post Professional Life British Universities 1897 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 219 Documents concerning the appointment of an assistant lecturer Professional Life British Universities 1958 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 220 Documents concerning the appointment of an assistant lecturer. Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 221 Invitations to and announcements of seminars held at various departments and an inaugural lecture. Professional Life British Universities 1958 - 1975 Documents and Identy papers 1962, 1975, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 222 Letters received by and a draft and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning various subjects Professional Life British Universities 1961 - 1976 Letters 1961-1962, 1965, 1969, 1974, 1976, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 223 Texts of syllabi and booklists. Professional Life British Universities 1962 - 1974 Documents and Identy papers 1962-1963, 1969, 1972, 1974, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 224 Texts of and notes on lectures on urbanization. Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 225 Text of part of a lecture and notes on a lecture on sociology Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 227 Students' accounts of a course by N. Elias on "the problems of sociology" Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 228 Students' accounts of a course by N. Elias on 'the problems of sociology' Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 229 Students' accounts of a course by N. Elias on "theory of sociology - approaches" Professional Life British Universities 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 230 Students' accounts of a graduate theory seminar by N. Elias. Professional Life British Universities 1966 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 231 Students' accounts of and a paper concerning a graduate theory seminar by N. Elias. Professional Life British Universities 1967 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 232 Students' accounts of a graduate theory seminar by N. Elias Professional Life British Universities 1968 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 233 Students' accounts of graduate seminars by N. Elias Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 234 Papers by students probably concerning N. Elias's graduate theory seminars. Professional Life British Universities 1968 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 235 Texts and drafts of texts of examination questions. Professional Life British Universities 1956 - 1971 Documents and Identy papers 1956-1962, 1970-1971, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 236 Mark and pass lists of students. Professional Life British Universities 1958 - 1959 Documents and Identy papers 1958-1959, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 237 Reports on students. Professional Life British Universities 1959 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 238 Correspondence with students concerning courses and theses Professional Life British Universities 1961 - 1970 Documents and Identy papers 1961-1962, 1970, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 239 Correspondence concerning N. Elias's teaching activities at the Wyggeston Boys' School Professional Life British Universities 1958 - 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 241 Notes on a discussion of possible research on leisure Professional Life British Universities 1959 Manuscript 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 244 Documents concerning a proposed research project on "The Profession of University Teachers". Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 245 Text of a proposed research project on "Social Relationships Within a Management Training Group" Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 246 Text of an outline of a research project "The Schools Study" by Antony Giddens. Professional Life British Universities 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 249 Timetable of the faculty of the social sciences. Professional Life British Universities 1958 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 251 List of first year students of the faculty of the social sciences Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 252 List of students attending a course in social structure Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 253 Document concerning tutorial arrangements for students' fieldwork. Professional Life British Universities 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 254 Note concerning N. Elias's deputizing for another lecturer Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 255 Form concerning fieldwork grants for students. Professional Life British Universities 1971 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 256 Prospectus concerning graduate traineeships of the Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Company. Professional Life British Universities 1958 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 261 Correspondence with the Dean of the faculty of the social sciences. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1963 Letters 1962-1963. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 262 Documents received by N. Elias from the University library. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 - 1964 Documents and Identy papers 1963-1964. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 263 Memorandum, papers and minutes of the Board of the faculty of the social sciences. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1964 Documents and Identy papers 1962-1964, 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 264 Documents concerning the Academic Board. Professional Life University of Ghana 1964 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 265 Agenda and minutes of the Board of Administration Studies. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 266 Documents concerning the Advisory Board of the Institute of Statistics Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1964 Documents and Identy papers 1962-1964. 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 267 Convocation of the Committee for Administering the Special Research and Conference Fund. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 268 Memorandum of staffing needs of the Department of Sociology Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 269 Report on parity of salary-scales of Senior Members of the University. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 270 Documents concerning the appointment of a senior lecturer. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 270 Documents concerning the appointment of a senior lecturer. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 271 Letters received by and a draft of and copies of letters concerning various applications. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 - 1964 Letters 1963-1964, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 272 Circular received by N. Elias from the Institute of Art and Culture. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 273 Copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the head of the Department of Arts Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Letters 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 279 Form concerning proposed taxi service of the Committee of University Transport Professional Life University of Ghana Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 280 Announcement of the Ghana Universities Press Professional Life University of Ghana Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 281 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a request for departmental publications Professional Life University of Ghana Letters n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 282 Teaching programme of the Department of Sociology Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 283 Documents concerning syllabi for courses in sociology Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 284 Lists of students Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 285 Texts of case studies of the Business Administration Programme Professional Life University of Ghana Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 286 Text of examination questions. 1963. Professional Life University of Ghana Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 287 Mark list of students. 1963 Professional Life University of Ghana Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 288 File containing papers by students Professional Life University of Ghana 1961 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 289 Reports on students Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 290 Prospectus of the 10th Annual Northern Easter School. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 291 Letters received by N. Elias from students Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Letters 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 292 Text of a review of a book probably by a student with remarks by N. Elias Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 294 File concerning the Volta Basin Research Project. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1968 Documents and Identy papers 1962-1964, 1968, n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 295 Examination form of unidentified course, possibly not a university course Professional Life University of Ghana Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 294a File concerning students' research material on the Company System in Cape Coast and on Dodi. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 301 Texts of examination questions on social psychology Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 303 Texts of students concerning questions to be posed at N. Elias at seminars. Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1969 - 1970 Documents and Identy papers 1969-1970, n.d. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 304 Correspondence concerning N. Elias's visiting lectureship at the University of Birmingham Professional Life British Universities 1970 - 1971 Letters 1970-1971. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 308 Documents received by N. Elias concerning a visiting professorship at the University of Nijmegen Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1976 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 315 Students' papers concerning N. Elias's seminar "Etablierte und Außenseiter". Professional Life Universities in Germany 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 318 Correspondence with the Chancellor and the Rector Professional Life Universities in Germany 1978 - 1987 Letters 1978-1982, 1984, 1986-1987. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 321 Correspondence concerning assistants of N. Elias. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 - 1981 Letters 1981. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 322 Documents received from the university library Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1979-1981, 1984, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 323 Documents received from the examination department Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 - 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1982. 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 324 Letters received from finance office. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 - 1981 Letters 1979-1981. 5 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 235 Circular received form the personnel department. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 327 List of participants at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung 1978/1979 Professional Life Universities in Germany 1978 - 1979 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 328 Prospectus of the teaching programme of the Department of Sociology. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 329 Prospectus concerning research and study groups at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1981 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 337 Student's account of seminar on utopias with N. Elias Professional Life Universities in Germany 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 343 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture entitled "Was ist Soziologie" Professional Life Universities in Germany 1981 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias347 Documents concerning N. Elias's fellowship at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin Professional Life Universities in Germany 1980 - 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1980-1982. 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 350 List of participants of N. Elias's seminar "Hochschuldidaktik" Professional Life Universities in Germany Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 358 Documents concerning the application for a lectureship at the University of Reading. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1950 Documents and Identy papers 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 360 Correspondence concerning the application for a lectureship at the University of Birmingham Professional Life British Universities 1952 Letters 5 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 361 Form concerning the application for a fellowship of the Social Science Research Council with annex Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1966 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 364 Drafts and concepts of curriculum vitae and a list of selected publications Professional Life Universities in Germany 1943 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 365 Documents concerning N. Elias membership of the Association of University Teachers. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1954 Documents and Identy papers 1956, 1958, 1961-1962. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 366 Documents concerning N. Elias's membership of the Association of Tutors in Adult Education Professional Life Universities in Germany 1959 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 367 Documents concerning meetings and conferences of the University Teachers of Sociology Professional Life Universities in Germany 1961 - 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1961-1962. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 374 Prospectus concerning the 15. Deutschen Soziologentag in Heidelberg. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1964 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 375 Newspaper clipping concerning the 19. Deutschen Soziologentag in Berlin, photocopy. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 377 Documents concerning the 21. Deutschen Soziologentag in Bamberg Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1982 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 378 Letter received by N. Elias concerning the 23. Deutschen Soziologentag in Hamburg Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1986 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 385 Correspondence concerning lectures given by N. Elias at the University of Hull. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1951 - 1954 Letters 1951-1952, 1954. 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 401 Correspondence concerning a lecture for the B.S.A. conference on Leisure. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1967 Letters 4 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 406 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture held at the Universiteit van Groningen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1969 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 415 Correspondence concerning a lecture held at the Freie Universität Berlin Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1973 Letters 4 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 418 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture held for the Sociology Society, University of York Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1947 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 427 Documents concerning a lecture tour in the United States Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 - 1979 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 439 Text of a lecture entitled 'Cultural and Civilising Processes' held at Amsterdam, transcription. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 449 Correspondence concerning a planned lecture at Paradiso, Amsterdam Correspondence and Agendas Correspondence 1981 - 1988 Letters 1988 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 453 Correspondence concerning a lecture tour in Denmark Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 - 1983 Letters 1 cover. See also Jorgensen, S.-A.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1479 File on 'Noten und Material zum Adel und Zivilisation', with notebook and notes Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1938 - 1949 Manuscript 1938-1939, 1943, 1945, 1949, n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1480 File on "Church and Feudalism", with notes on feudalism, church and diverse subjects. Authorship Notebooks Manuscript n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1481 File on balance of power, with notes and newspaper clippings. Authorship Manuscripts 1943 - 1944 Manuscript 1943-1944, n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1485 File on 'Laughter', with notes and notebooks, newspaper clippings, articles and periodical. Authorship Manuscripts 1948 - 1951 Manuscript 1950-1951, n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1486 File on population, with (lecture) notes and newspaper clippings. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1949 - 1961 Manuscript 1961, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1487 File with lecture notes (mainly on class and industrialization) and newspaper clippings. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1949 - 1961 Manuscript 1953, 1961, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1488 File concerning "Case studies", with notes. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1489 File on social psychology lectures, with lecture notes. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1490 File on social psychology and sociology lectures, with lecture notes. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1951 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1493 File on "Hunting", with notes and source material. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Manuscript n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1495 File on Ghanaian Essays c. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1962 - 1964 Manuscript 1962-1964. 1 box, 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1496 File on Ghanaian Essays c. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1962 - 1964 Manuscript 1962-1964. 1 box, 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1497 File probably concerning a course in sociology, with notes and text of a syllabus. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1968 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1498 Certificate of membership of Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. Other activities Memberships in professional, cultural and scientific organizations 1930 - 1934 Documents and Identy papers 1930-1934. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1500 Documents received by N. Elias from the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1947 Documents and Identy papers 2 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1501 Letters received by N. Elias from the British Library of Political and Economic Science. Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1955 - 1956 Letters 1955-1956. 2 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1502 Correspondence with the directorate of the Reading Room of the British Museum. Professional Life Other Institutions in Britain 1958 - 1973 Letters 1958-1959, 1965, 1969, 1973. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1503 Letter received by N. Elias from the library of the University College of Swansea. Professional Life British Universities 1977 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1504 Certificate of membership of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Other activities Memberships in professional, cultural and scientific organizations 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1513 Documents of which the relation to N. Elias's professional activities is uncertain. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1970 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1514 Library request forms. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Documents and Identy papers 1 box
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1522 Text by N. Elias of an outline of a film entitled The deadly game Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1523 Text by N. Elias of an outline of a film entitled Puzzle im Paradies Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1524 Text by N. Elias of an outline of a play entitled Zeus Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1525 Text by N. Elias of an outline of a play on Drake and Doughty, with annexes Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1527 Notes by N. Elias concerning a visit to someone not mentioned by name. Private life Travels 1952 Manuscript 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1529 Letter received by N. Elias concerning his comments on an article in Victorian Studies Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1967 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1530 Report by N. Elias concerning Arno Placks Die Gesellschaft und das Böse Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1969 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1533 Documents concerning a question form for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1535 Correspondence concerning N. Eliass participation on behalf of a biography of S.H. Foulkes Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1536 Text by N. Elias concerning a critique on Charles Tilly Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1539 Text by Manfred Huppertz concerning his MA-essay received by N. Elias for information Authorship Editorial activities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1541 Copy of letter sent to The Guardian concerning remedies for German antisemitism Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1960 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1544 Draft of a reader's letter concerning a book by E.H. Carr. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1545 Correspondence with The Observer concerning a reader's letter on sociology Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1961 Documents and Identy papers 3 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1546 Documents concerning a reader's letter to The International Herald Tribune on eating utensils Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1983 Documents and Identy papers 3 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1552 Documents concerning an interview with N. Elias by Stanislas Fontaine Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1974 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1553 Documents concerning an interview with N. Elias by Christian Bretagne for Elle Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1971 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1555 Correspondence concerning a film on N. Elias by Klaus Podak. Interviews and reviews Radio and television broadcasts 1977 Letters n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1561 Documents concerning an interview with N. Elias for Skript. Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1981 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1583 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a request for an interview by Walter Hollstein. Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1987 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1584 Documents concerning in interview with N. Elias by Klaus Dermutz. Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1987 Documents and Identy papers 3 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1585 Letter received by N. Elias concerning an interview for Linea d'ombra Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1987 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1589 Documents concerning an interview with Klaus Davi for Panorama Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1592 Text of an interview with N. Elias by Thomas Kleinspehn for Radio Bremen Interviews and reviews Radio and television broadcasts 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1596 Correspondence concerning and article of an interview for Hochparterre Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1989 - 1990 Letters 1989-1990. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1597 Text and article of an interview with N. Elias by Helmut Hetzel for Die Welt. Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1599 Documents concerning an interview for L'espresso. Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1600 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a (planned) interview by the Bayerischer Rundfunk. Interviews and reviews Radio and television broadcasts 1989 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1601 Letter received by N. Elias and article concerning an interview by Arjen van Rijn. Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1989 Letters 2 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1602 Correspondence concerning a planned interview with N. Elias by Anna Witham Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1603 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a request for an interview by Detlef Berentzen Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1990 Letters 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1604 Article of an interview with N. Elias by Vera Kornicker for Le Figaro Interviews and reviews Written interviews 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1605 Text of an interview with N. Elias by Allessandro Cavalli. Interviews and reviews Written interviews Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1606 Letter received by N. Elias concerning an interview for Die Tageszeitung Interviews and reviews Written interviews Letters n.d. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1617 Text probably of a contribution by N. Elias to a radio broadcast, with corrections by N. Elias Interviews and reviews Radio and television broadcasts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1620 Copy and draft of a letter sent by N. Elias concerning a review of his work in Die Zeit Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in German 1978 Letters 2 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1621 Text by Richard Kilminster on 'Elias and the Frankfurt School' Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in German 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1622 Documents concerning articles by Roger Chartier on N. Elias Interviews and reviews Reviews on and texts by other authors 1981 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1623 Text by Guiliano Crifó on N. Elias and his works Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in other languages 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1624 Manuscript and article by Detlev Schöttker on Norbert Elias and Walter Benjamin. Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in German 1983 - 1986 Manuscript cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1628 Correspondence concerning a discussion on N. Elias's work in Sociology Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in English 1986 Letters 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1632 Manuscript by Michael Eve on Norbert Elias Interviews and reviews Reviews on and texts by other authors Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1634 Concept of a letter by N. Elias concerning a critique on his work by Prof. Baumann Interviews and reviews Reviews on and texts by other authors Letters n.d. 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1635 Draft of a text by N. Elias concerning a review by Mr Lüdke of his works Interviews and reviews Reviews on and texts by other authors Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1636 Notes by N. Elias concerning a review by E. Leach of The Quest for Excitement Interviews and reviews Reviews on and texts by other authors Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1643 Review of and comment on N. Elias's publications in Finnish Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in other languages 1980 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1986. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1644 Reviews of and comments on N. Elias's publications and other activities in Italian Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in other languages 1982 - 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1982-1983, 1985, 1987-1990, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1645 Reviews of and comments on N. Elias's publications and other activities in Korean Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in other languages 1984 - 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1984-1985. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1646 Reviews of N. Elias's publications in Swedish Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in other languages 1987 - 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1989-1990. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1646a Obituary notice on N. Elias in Spanish. Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in other languages 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1646b Obituary notice on N. Elias in Danish Interviews and reviews Reviews on Elias in Dutch 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1647 Newspaper clippings concerning various subjects Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Documents and Identy papers 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1648 List of additions of the British Library of Political and Economic Science Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1957 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1649 Lists of books of Hans Preiss, International Booksellers Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1950 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1650 List of books of an unmentioned institution Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1652 Bulletin of the University College of Leicester Gazette Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1955 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1653 Calendars of the University of Leicester. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1960 - 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 volume
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1654 Calendars of the University of Leicester Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1959 - 1960 Documents and Identy papers 1 volume,
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1655 Calendars of the University of Leicester Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1897 - 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1 volume
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1656 Handbooks of the University of Leicester. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1960 - 1961 Book 1 volume
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1657 Handbooks of the University of Leicester. Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear Book n.d. 1 volume.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1658 Report of the head of the department of adult education of the University of Leicester Other activities Documents of which the relation is unclear 1955 Documents and Identy papers 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 84 Letters received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning medical and paramedical specialists and clinics. Private life Health 1955 - 1987 Letters 1955-1956, 1960-1964, 1970-71, 1974, 1975, 1979-1980, 1982-1984, 1987. 2 covers. See index for names.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 86 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning health insurance and institutions for the elderly. Private life Health 1954 - 1990 Letters 1954, 1958-1959, 1962, 1964, 1970, 1973, 1977-1981, 1983, 1987-1990. 1 folder. See index for names.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 86a Certificate of vaccination Private life Health 1976 - 1977 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 87 Courts & Co. - Douglas-Mann. Private life Legal advice and wills 1953 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 88 Hammond & Sons. Private life Legal advice and wills 1953 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 89 Hooper & Betteridge - Mainzer. Private life Legal advice and wills 1953 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 90 Mainzer Private life Legal advice and wills 1953 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 91 Mainzer Private life Legal advice and wills 1953 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 92 Mainzer - Wendelstein Private life Legal advice and wills 1953 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 110 Documents concerning N. Elias' thesis Authorship Manuscripts 1924 Documents and Identy papers 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 111 Manuscript of thesis "Idee und Individuum. Eine kritische Untersuchung zum Begriff der Geschichte" Authorship Manuscripts 1924 Manuscript photocopy - 1 volume
DLA Marbach A-Elias 113 File concerning N. Elias' detention in a camp for German refugees, Central Camp, Douglas, Isle of Man. Private life Internment camp 1940 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 115 File concerning Wiedergutmachung. Private life Finance 1957 - 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also legal advisers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 122 Documents concerning the lending of and planned transfer of N. Elias's collection of African art to the University of Sussex Other activities African art collection 1963 - 1968 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Briggs, A
DLA Marbach A-Elias 123 Documents concerning the exhibition of some pieces of N. Elias's collection of African art in the Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester. Other activities African art collection 1964 - 1970 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 124 Correspondence concerning the exhibition of some pieces of N. Elias's collection of African art in the Phoenix Theatre, Leicester. Other activities African art collection 1970 Letters 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 125 Documents concerning the planned exhibiton of some pieces of N. Elias's collection of African art in the Glasgow Museums & Art Galleries and the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. Other activities African art collection 1970 - 1977 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 131 Letters received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning senior research assistantship in the social research division of the London School of Economics. Professional Life British Universities 1940 - 1962 Letters 6 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 132 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning lectures given for the Workers' Educational Association. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1942 - 1955 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 133 Annual report and statement of affairs of the Workers' Educational Association. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1946 Documents and Identy papers 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 137 Documents received by and copy of a letter sent by N. Elias concerning the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, Extension Courses. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1948 - 1954 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 141 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the secretarial office for tutorial classes. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1946 - 1949 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 147 Letters received by N. Elias concerning lectures given at the Institute for the Scientific Treatment of Delinquency. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 - 1950 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 149 Letters received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning visiting lectureship at Bedford College. Professional Life British Universities 1952 - 1954 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 150 Letters received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning lectureship at Hillcroft College. Professional Life British Universities 1953 - 1962 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 166 File concerning a course or courses in social psychology, with syllabus and booklist of a class in Ealing, texts of lectures (incomplete), notes concerning lectures and newspaper clippings Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1955 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 168 File 'Nervous system, McDougal, Instinct, Sherrington', '4th, 5th, 6th lecture. McDougal - Behaviourism', with texts of lectures in social psychology (incomplete) and notes concerning lectures. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 171 File 'Essays in adult education. Classes with samples', containing text of a lecture on social psychology (incomplete), notes on discussion, essays by students and excerpts of essays concerning courses in social psychology and occupational choice. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1945 - 1960 Documents and Identy papers 1945-1946, 1953, 1960, n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 172 File concerning lectures by N. Elias held at Wilton Park with a text of a lecture 'Sinn-erfüllung und Sinn-entleerung' (incomplete) and a text compiled out of notes by students of lectures of N. Elias given in Wilton Park Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1947 - 1948 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 175 File concerning a class by N. Elias at the Institute for the Scientific Treatment of Delinquency, with students' essays. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1944 - 1945 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 179 File concerning Advanced Course in psychology at Morley College, with texts of lectures 1-9 and 11-23 with annexes and students' essays. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1950 - 1951 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 180 File probably concerning a class or classes by N. Elias for the Workers' Educational Association, with students' essays and students' accounts of lectures. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1953 - 1954 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 194 Documents received by and copies and a draft of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the secretariat of the Department of Sociology. Professional Life British Universities 1962 - 1979 Letters n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 196 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the accountant's office. Professional Life British Universities 1953 - 1978 Letters 1953-1954, 1958, 1962-1964, 1966, 1968-1969, 1976-1978. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 217 Draft of a memorandum for the Development Board on a proposed course of advanced study in social and economic development. Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 226 File concerning various lectures given by N. Elias, with texts of parts of lectures, notes on lectures, students' accounts of lectures and other documents. Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 240 Memorandaum and correspondence concerning a research project into the employment of married women in a Leicester Hosiery factory. Professional Life British Universities 1957 - 1961 Documents and Identy papers 1957-1958, 1961, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 242 File concerning a research project on 'the Adjustment of Young Workers to Work Situation and Adult Roles'. Professional Life British Universities 1961 - 1973 Documents and Identy papers 1961-1967, 1969, 1971, 1973, n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 243 File concerning a research project 'From School to Work: Social and Educational Determinants of Job Choice' Professional Life British Universities 1966 - 1969 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 folders.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 247 Documents concerning a research project on 'The Emergence and Early Development of the Police Force in England' by Brian Martin Professional Life British Universities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 248 Application form for a research grant concerning a research project 'Some Effects of Status Rigidity on the Relationship Between Upward Social Mobility and Patterns of Anxiety' by Earl I. Hopper. Professional Life British Universities 1965 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 250 Admission list of students and list concerning tutorial arrangements of the faculty of the social sciences. Professional Life British Universities 1958 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 257 File concerning the appointment as professor at the University of Ghana, with correspondence and notes on an inaugural lecture. Professional Life University of Ghana 1961 - 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 258 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the registrar's office Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1964 Letters n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 259 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias and notes concerning the accountant's office. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1964 Letters n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 260 Documents received by and copies, drafts and concepts of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the Vice-Chancellor. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1965 Letters n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 274 Documents received by and copy of a letter sent by N. Elias concerning the Ministry of Social Welfare and Community Development. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 - 1964 Letters 3 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 275 Programme of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the visit of professor K.H. Pfeffer. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 276 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning invitations in his function as professor. Professional Life University of Ghana 1962 - 1963 Letters n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 277 Documents concerning announcements of and invitations to lectures and discussions. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 - 1964 n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 268 Letters received by N. Elias concerning housing and traveling arrangements for visiting lecturers or staff members. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 Letters 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 293 Documents concerning a demonstration sample survey to be conducted by the students of the International Statistical Training Centre. Professional Life University of Ghana 1963 - 1964 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 296 Letter concerning the invitation of N. Elias to a visiting professorship at the University of Münster. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1965 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 297 Correspondence concerning a lecture given by N. Elias at the seminar 'Einführung in die Ethnologie' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1962 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 298 File concerning N. Elias's seminar "Soziologie geschichtlicher Prozesse", containing a provisional plan of the seminar, students' accounts of the meetings and students' papers. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1965 - 1966 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 299 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture given to sociology undergraduates at the University of Warwick. Professional Life British Universities 1967 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 300 Documents received by and copy of a letter sent by N. Elias concerning his visiting lectureship at the University of Warwick. Professional Life British Universities 1967 - 1969 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 302 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning his visiting professorships at the University of Amsterdam. Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1969 - 1970 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 305 Correspondence concerning the invitation of N. Elias to a visiting professorship at the Institute of Social Studies Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1971 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 306 Documents received by and copies and concept of letters sent by N. Elias concerning a visiting professorship at the University of Konstanz Professional Life Universities in Germany 1971 - 1973 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 307 File concerning N. Elias's seminar 'Grundprobleme der Soziodynamik' with texts of lectures and an account of a seminar meeting. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1972 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 309 Concerning N. Elias's seminar 'Established-Outsider Relations': Texts of 3rd and 4rth lecture, text of and notes on 5th lecture (incomplete) and text of a lecture on "Class Theory and Established-Outsider Theory. An Exercise in Post-Marxian Sociology". Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also Schr. ESTABLISHED, 9
DLA Marbach A-Elias 310 Concerning N. Elias's seminar 'Established-Outsider Relations': Transcriptions of tapes of lectures and seminar meetings with some editorial corrections by N. Elias. Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 311 Texts of students with questions to be posed and students' papers concerning N. Elias's seminar on 'Power, Sources of Power and Power-Balances' Professional Life Universities in the Netherlands 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 312 Correspondence concerning the invitation to a visiting lectureship at the Rheinisch-Westfälischen Hochschule Aachen Professional Life Universities in Germany 1976 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 313 Documents concerning N. Elias's lecture 'Etablierten-Aussenseiter-Beziehungen' and N. Elias's seminar 'Soziologie der Macht' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 314 Documents received by and copy of a letter sent by N. Elias concerning a visiting professorship at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 1976 - 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 316 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning a visiting professorship at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1976 - 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 317 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the directorate of the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1977 - 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1977, 1979-1984, 1987-1988, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 319 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the dean's office of the Fakultät Soziologie Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 - 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1979-1982, 1988, 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 320 Letters received by N. Elias concerning publicatiion of his speech 'Conditio Humana' in the series Bielefelder Universitätsgespräche. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1985 Letters 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 326 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning his guest appartment at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 330 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning invitations to lectures and conferences. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1978 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1978-1981, 1983. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 331 Text concerning a planned conference on 'Weltsystem und Haushaltökonomie' at the Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung Professional Life Universities in Germany Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 332 Questionnaire concerning the "Evaluation von Veranstaltungen des Lehrgebiets 'Allgemeine Soziologie"/Grundstudium' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 333 Document concerning 'Circle of Friends and Sponsors of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research' Professional Life Universities in Germany Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 334 File concerning the research group 'Funktionsgeschichte literarischer Utopien in der frühen Neuzeit' with prospectuses, correspondence, list of participants, minutes of meetings and notes by N. Elias concerning a planned meeting Professional Life Universities in Germany 1980 - 1981 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 335 File concerning the research group 'Guidance, Control and Performance Evaluation in the Public Sector' with documents concerning the opening conference and notes by N. Elias concerning a paper for the research group Professional Life Universities in Germany 1981 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 336 Documents concerning N. Elias's participation in the Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie Professional Life Universities in Germany 1981 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 338 Student's paper concerning a seminar by N. Elias on 'Probleme der Zivilisations- und Machttheorie' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 339 Students' accounts of and students' papers concerning N. Elias's seminar 'Etablierten-Außenseiter-Beziehungen' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1981 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 340 Students' papers concerning N. Elias's seminar 'Einführung in die Zivilisations- und Staatsbildungstheorie' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 341 Documents concerning 'Kolloquium zur neueren Sozialgeschichte' at which N. Elias gave several lectures. Professional Life Universities in Germany 1980 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 5 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 342 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Über die Bändigung der Angriffslust im Sport' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1979 Documents and Identy papers 4 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 344 Letter sent by N. Elias concerning a lecture entitled 'Einführung in die Staatsbildungs- und Zivilisationstheorie' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1981 Letters 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 345 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a talk in the seminar 'Über Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1982 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 346 Documents received by N. Elias concerning a Ringvorlesung 'Wissenschaft im Dritten Reich' at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Die deutsche Hochschule vor and nach der Machtergreifung. Das Beispiel der Universität Frankfurt aus der Sicht eines Zeitzeugen' Professional Life Universities in Germany 1982 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 348 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning a visiting scholarship at Indiana University. Professional Life British Universities 1981 - 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 349 Text of first seminar Professional Life Universities in Germany 1962 Documents and Identy papers 1 document. See also Schr. MISC E IV, Grad-Seminar.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 351 Graduation of E.E. Still and B.F.A. Tipton Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1968 - 1969 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 352 Graduation of G. Naegeler. Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1977 Documents and Identy papers 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 353 Graduation of W. Hopf. Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1980 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 354 Graduation of M. Behrmann Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1981 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 355 Graduation of V. Krumrey Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1982 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 356 Graduation of M. Schröter Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1982 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 357 Graduation of A. Bogne Professional Life Graduations for which Elias acted as supervisor 1986 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 359 Letter sent by N. Elias concerning the application for a lectureship at the University College of the South West of England, Exeter. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1952 Letters 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 362 Documents received by and copies and drafts of letters sent by N. Elias concerning an invitation to and a request for a fellowship at the Centre for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences, Stanford, California Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1959 - 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1959-1960, 1963. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 363 Correspondence concerning an invitation to a lecture and consultancyship at the UNESCO Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Southern Asia Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1965 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 368 File concerning the third World Congress of Sociology in Amsterdam with an evaluating text by N. Elias concerning the congress and a text by N. Elias 'Impressions from a Congress' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1956 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 369 File concerning the fourth World Congress of Sociology in Milan and Stresa with a prospectus of the congress, correspondence and photographs Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1958 - 1959 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 370 File about the fifth World Congress of Sociology in Washington with correspondence, a prospectus, a suggested agenda for the second plenary session of the Sociology of Development, agenda, accounts and notes concerning the working group 'The Break With Traditionalism' and a stencil of N. Elias' lecture 'The Break With Traditionalism and the Origins of Sociology' with comments by unknown author Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1961 - 1963 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder. See for manuscript N. Elias's lecture Schr. MISC E IX, Break-Trad.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 371 Text of summary of paper or speech by N. Elias probably concerning the sixth World Congress of Sociology in Evian Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 372 File concerning the seventh World Congress of Sociology in Varna with a prospectus and correspondence Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1969 - 1972 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 373 Text of the 'Verhandlungen des Sechsten Deutschen Soziologentages vom 17. bis 19. September 1928 in Zürich' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1918 Documents and Identy papers photocopy, incomplete, 5 sheets.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 376 File concerning the 20. Deutschen Soziologentag in Bremen with correspondence, photocopies of newspaper clippings and prospectus. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 379 Documents concerning the conference 'Begegnungen mit der Zivilisationstheorie von Norbert Elias' at Aachen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1977 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 380 Documents concerning the conference 'The Civilizing Process and Figurational Sociology' at Oxford Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1979 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 381 Documents concerning the 'Colloque Historique Franco-Allemand autour de Norbert Elias' at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales at Paris. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1982 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 382 File concerning the conference 'Civilizations and Theories of Civilizing Processes. Comparative Perspectives' at the Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung at Bielefeld with correspondence, prospectuses, a text by N. Elias 'Topics of Discussion', transcription of the discussions and a copy of a newspaper clipping. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 383 File concerning the conference 'Processes of Civilization - Empirical Evidences' at the Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung at Bielefeld with correspondence, text by N. Elias of an introduction for the conference and the transcription of N. Elias's lecture 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 384 Documents concerning the conference Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 384a Prospectus of the conference of the Sektion Sportsoziologie of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaf 'N. Elias im Diskurs der Sportwissenschaften. Ansätze und Orientierungen' held in Bielefeld Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1992 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 386 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'A Historical Survey of the Difference Between Germany and Great Britain in Their Attitude to Politics' held at the G.E.R. conference 'The Political Conditions and Institutions of Great Britain and Germany' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1951 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 387 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'The Citizen of Tomorrow at Leisure' held at the Progressive League Conference at Whitsun Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1957 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 387 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'The Citizen of Tomorrow at Leisure' held at the Progressive League Conference at Whitsun Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1957 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 388 Documents concerning a lecture held at the Progressive League Conference 'Pressure to Conform' at Chichester Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1958 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 389 Documents concerning the planned participation in the Anglo-Overseas Centre Conference on 'Problems of West Indian Integration in the United Kingdom' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1959 Documents and Identy papers 4 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 390 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Die öffentliche Meinung in England' held at the Hochschulwoche für staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung at Bad Wildungen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1959 - 1960 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 391 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Problems of Social Medicine' held at the North and Midlands Physical Medicine Club Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1960 Documents and Identy papers 4 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 391 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Problems of Social Medicine' held at the North and Midlands Physical Medicine Club Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1960 Documents and Identy papers 4 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 392 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Nationale Eigentümlichkeiten der englischen öffentlichen Meinung' held at the Hochschulwoche für staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung at Bad Wildungen 1960 - 1962 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 393 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'The Structure of Jewish Society in Germany' held at the Society for Jewish Study. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1962 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 394 Prospectus of the second Annual Conference of the Ghana Sociological Association at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Sociology and Anthropology' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 395 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'The Balance Sheet of Progress' held at the residential conference of the Institute of Public Education of the University of Ghana Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1963 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 396 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Sociology and Psychiatry' held at the quarterly meeting of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1964 - 1965 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 397 Documents concerning a lecture given at the Soziologischen Colloquium of the Freie Universität Berlin. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1965 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 5 documents. See also Stammer, O.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 398 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture probably held at the Leicester University Sociological Society. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1965 Letters 1 document. See also Leicester Sociological Society, Kelly, Miller, S.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 399 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture on 'Soziologie als Hilfe in der Sozialarbeit' at the Paritätisches Sozialseminar at Detmold Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1966 Letters 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 400 Documents concerning a planned lecture at the International Seminar Small-Group-Research and Its Application to Sport at Köln Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1966 Documents and Identy papers See also Lüschen, G.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 402 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Prolegomena zu einer soziologischen Theorie der Entwicklung' at the Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik in Berlin. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1967 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 403 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Is there a homo sociologicus?' held at the Symposium on Personality and Society Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1968 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 404 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'The Quest For Excitement in Leisure'. held at the Anglo-Continental Medical Society Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1968 - 1969 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 405 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Philosophical Theories of Science and Sociological Research' held at the Summer School of the British Sociological Association Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1969 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 407 Correspondence concerning a lecture on nationbuilding for the annual Woodcock lecture of the Students' Union of the University of Leicester Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1969 - 1970 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 408 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Philosophy of Science and Sociology of Science' held at the staff and graduate seminars at the University of Essex 1970 - 1971 n.d. 4 documents.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 409 File concerning lectures entitled "Nation-building in Old and New State Societies" held at the International Relations Courses of the Institute of Social Studies in Den Haag with correspondence, timetables for lectures and a text by N. Elias of the outline of the lectures Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1909 - 1971 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also Schr. STATE-NAT, 16-23.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 410 Letters received by N. Elias concerning the conference 'Soziologie und Geschichte' at the Universität Bielefeld at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1971 Letters 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 411 Documents concerning a lecture held at the International Conference on the Comparative Historical Sociology of Science Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1971 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 412 File concerning the 23rd general assemblee of the International Association of Art Critics at Amsterdam at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1971 - 1974 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 413 Letters received by N. Elias concerning a Lecture entitled 'Menschheitsgeschichte und Soziologie' held in Kiel Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1972 Letters 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 414 Documents concerning a Business Meeting of the ISA Research Committee on the Sociology of Science at Warsaw at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1973 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 416 Photocopies of newspaper clippings concerning the symposium 'Ästhetik in der Alltagswelt' in Berlin at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Die Funktion des Ästethischen im Alltagsleben' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1973 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 416 Photocopies of newspaper clippings concerning the symposium 'Ästhetik in der Alltagswelt' in Berlin at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Die Funktion des Ästethischen im Alltagsleben' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1973 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 417 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture held at a discussion week of the Department of Sociology of the University of Leeds. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1973 Letters 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 419 Correspondence concerning a lecture on stages of African art, social and visual held at a seminar on Art, Artisans and Societies of the University of Leicester. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1974 - 1975 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 420 Letter received by N. Elias probably concerning a conference on the sociology of knowledge which he attended. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1976 Letters 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 421 Invitation to a lecture entitled 'Philosophische Erkenntnistheorie und soziologische Zivilisationstheorie' held at the Technische Universität Hannover. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 422 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Philosophische Erkenntnistheorie und soziologische Zivilisationstheorie' held at the Studium Generale of the Universität Mainz Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 423 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Philosophische Erkenntinstheorie und soziologische Zivilisationstheorie' held at the Universität Trier. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1976 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 424 Correspondence concerning a lecture or lectures held at the Master's Course 'State and Nation Formation' of the Institute of Social Studies in Den Haag Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1976 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 425 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Violence and Structure in the development of a Westafrican people' held at the Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum of the Universiteit van Amsterdam Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1976 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 426 Invitation concerning a lecture entitled 'Probleme der Freudschen Kulturtheorie und der Zivilisationstheorie' held at the Sigmund-Freud-Institut. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1977 Documents and Identy papers 1 document. See also Brede, K.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 428 File concerning a lecture for the Römerberggespräche entitled 'Ist eine nicht-utopische Humanisierung möglich' with correspondence, a prospectus, a text of the speech by mayor Wallmann and notes by N. Elias for the lecture. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 429 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Sozialer Kanon und soziale Existenz' held at the Institut für Soziologie of the Universität München. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 430 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a lecture entitled 'Protestantismus und Kapitalismus. Ein kritischer Beitrag zur These Max Webers' held at the Pädagogische Hochschule Westfalen-Lippe Abteilung Bielefeld Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 Letters 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 431 Letters received by N. Elias concerning a lecture entitled 'Zivilisation und Informalisierung - Probleme der Verhaltensänderungen im 20. Jahrhundert' held at the Westfälisch-Lippische Universitätsgesellschaft, Bielefeld. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 Letters 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 432 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Der bürgerliche Künstler in der höfischen Gesellschaft am Beispiel Mozarts' held at the Philipps Universität Marburg Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1979 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 433 File concerning lecture of poems at the Bockenheimer Bücherwarte, Frankfurt, with an invitation, a draft text of the contents of the lecture by N. Elias and transcription of the lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1979 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 434 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Zivilisation und Informalisierung - Probleme der Verhaltensänderung im 20. Jahrhundert' held at the Fakultät Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften of the Universität Tübingen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1979 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 435 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Eltern und Kinder - gestern, heute und morgen' held at the Internationales Symposium zum internationalen Jahr des Kindes' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1979 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 436 Documents concerning the congress 'Europäische Hofkultur im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert' in Wolfenbüttel at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Probleme der höfischen Gesellschaft' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 - 1979 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 437 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Wandlungen in der Stellung des Künstlers - Wandlungen in der Gestalt der Kunst' held at the Bielefelder Kunstverein. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1979 - 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 438 File concerning a lecture entitled 'Established-Outsider Relationships' held at the Sociology Society of the University of Leeds with letters received by N. Elias and a transcription of the lecture. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1978 - 1981 Letters 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 440 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Der Beitrag wissenschaftlicher Establishments zur Produktion von Wissen' held at the Palais Palffy, Wien. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 441 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Etablierten-Außenseiter-Beziehungen' held at the Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften of the Gesamthochschule Paderborn Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 442 Documents concerning the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook Conference 'Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies' at Oxford at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Scientific Establishments' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 443 Circulars concerning a joint meeting of PAREX and the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Science at Graz at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 Documents and Identy papers 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 444 File concerning a lecture entitled 'Menschliche Aspekte der technische Fortschritte mit einigen utopische Richtungsbestimmungen' held at the International Colloquium on New Technologies and Employment, Bonn, with a transcription of N. Elias's lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 445 Documents concerning the seminar 'Die Wiederkehr des Körpers - authentische Erfahrung oder Fiktion' at the Freie Universität Berlin at which N. Elias held a lecture 'Zivilisatorische Wandlungen der Einstellung zum Körper' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 446 Documents concerning the conference celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'What is the Role of Scientific and Literary Utopias for the Future?' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1980 - 1981 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 447 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Engagement und Distanzierung' held at the Kongreß für angewandte Soziologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 448 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Macht und Zivilisation' held at the Steirische Akademie, Graz Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 450 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Zivilisation und Gewalt' held at the Soziologisches Institut of the Universität Zürich Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 451 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Die Entwicklung von Staaten als soziologisches Problem' at the Institut für Sozialforschung of the Universität Stuttgart. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 - 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 452 Documents concerning a planned lecture to be held at the International Summer Conference 'Body, Mind and Spirit' in Willingen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1981 - 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 454 Documents concerning a conference 'Historische Anthropologie und Geschichtsvermittlung' at the Universität Düsseldorf at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Wandlungen der Menschheit im Laufe der Geschichte' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 455 File concerning a lecture entitled 'Der Fußballsport im Prozeß der Zivilisation' held at the seminar 'Fußball' of the Freie Universität Berlin with a transcription of N. Elias's lecture with editorial corrections by N. Elias Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also Schr. SPORT, 30
DLA Marbach A-Elias 456 Documents concerning the Ariès-seminar 'À propos de l'histoire de l'espace' at Berlin at which N. Elias held a lecture. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 457 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Die Einsamkeit der alternden und sterbenden Menschen' held at Bad Salzuflen. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 Documents and Identy papers 5 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 458 Documents concerning the conference 'Höfische Literatur - Hofgesellschaft - höfische Lebensformen um 1200' held at the Universität Bielefeld at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1982 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 459 Documents concerning a planned lecture at the Forschungskolloquium 'Zur Entwicklung des deutschen Gefühlswortschatzes' at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 460 Documents concerning the Prinsenhofconferentie tegen discriminatie en racisme at Amsterdam at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 461 Documents concerning the symposium 'Active and Non-Active People in a Welfare State' at Noordwijkerhout at which N. Elias held a lecture. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1983 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 462 File concerning an introductory talk entitled 'The Illusion of Reason' held at a meeting of the Société Européenne de Culture at Amsterdam with an account of the talk Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 463 Text of a lecture entitled 'Conditio Humana: Beobachtungen über die Entwicklung der Menschheit' held at the Universität Bielefeld, transcription Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 464 Documents concerning a talk by N. Elias held at the Maison Heinrich Heine in Paris Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1985 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 465 Report concerning the first meeting of le Réseau Européen in Paris containing the text of a speech held by N. Elias. c. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 466 Documents concerning the conference 'Sozialgeschichte der Utopie' at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Thomas Morus und die Utopie'. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 467 Documents concerning the conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'On Human Beings and Their Emotions' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 468 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Menschheitsgeschichte' held at the Rathaus, Hamburg Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1985 - 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 469 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Psychoanalysis and Sociology' held at the Studium Generale 'The Influence of Psychoanalysis on Other Disciplines' of the Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 470 Documents concerning a lecture entitled 'Fear of Death' held at the Studium Generale 'Dood ga je toch' of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1986 - 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 471 File concerning a lecture entitled 'Über die Begriffe der Figuration und der sozialen Prozesse' held at the Technische Universität Berlin with a transcription of the lecture and discussion Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1986 - 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 472 Documents concerning the Conference on Religious Regimes and State Formation at Amsterdam at which N. Elias held a lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 473 Letters received by N. Elias concerning a planned lecture for the Studium Generale of the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1987 Letters 3 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 473a Prospectus concerning the celebration of the 150th anniversary of De Gids at which N. Elias held a lecture. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc, 'De Gids' underlined
DLA Marbach A-Elias 474 Documents concerning a planned lecture entitled 'Technisation and Civilization' at the London School of Economics in London Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 475 Correspondence concerning a lecture entitled 'Civilization and Psychosomatics' which was read at the 17th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research in Marburg Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1987 - 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 476 File concerning a lecture held at the 20th anniversary of the Netherlands Institute for Socio-Sexuological Research (NISSO), with a transcription of the lecture Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1988 Documents and Identy papers 2 documents
DLA Marbach A-Elias 477 Prospectus of an International Workshop on the Sociology of Sport of which it is unknown whether N. Elias held a lecture. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures 1969 Documents and Identy papers 1 document
DLA Marbach A-Elias 478 List of participants of a seminar on the sociology of knowledge at which N. Elias held a lecture entitled 'Towards the Theory of the Sciences' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 479 List probably of participants of a seminar or conference on sociology of knowledge, incomplete Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet
DLA Marbach A-Elias 480 Text of a lecture entitled 'The Petrified Forest - Psychological Obstacles to Europe's Discovery' Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 481 Text of a lecture without title held at an unknown occasion, transcription Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 482 Text by Th. Luckmann concerning lecture by N. Elias at an unknown conference. Professional Life Congresses, conferences and lectures Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 document.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 483 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with page numbers top right, p. 3-24, several versions, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 484 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with page numbers top right, p. 78-96, incomplete, original. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 3.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 485 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with title 'Forts. zu 'Ueber den Prozess der Zivilisation Bd. 1 S. 75', p. 1-8, unfinished, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 486 Manuscript of 'Probleme der Zivilisation' with mark +, p. 1-14 and additional notes, original, unfinished. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 4
DLA Marbach A-Elias 487 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with mark +, probably earlier versions of 486 Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 489 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with mark II, p. 1-17 (note found separately), original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 5.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 490 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with mark II, probably earlier versions of 489, with notes Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 491 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to new German edition with mark PZ, p. 22-62, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 28.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 492 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to new German edition with marks ZZ, ZZZ, ZZZZ, ZZZZZ, XXX, XXXX, p. 2-20, incomplete. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 29.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 493 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to French edition with marks E, EE, N, NN, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 40.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 494 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to French edition with title 'Einleitung' and mark OE, p. 1-4, unfinished, original. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 41.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 495 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to French edition with marks NE, NENE, NENENE, NENENENE, p. 1-13, several versions, originals and carbon copies. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 42.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 496 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to French edition with marks ZP, SP, p. 1-20, photocopies, originals and carbon copies. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 43.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 497 Manuscript concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of introduction to French edition with mark Zivilisation, p. 1-8, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 45.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 498 Notes concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' possibly belonging to manuscripts of introduction to French edition. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 499 Text concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of translation into English of first part of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with additions and editiorial remarks by N. Elias, p. 12, p. 25, incomplete. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PROZESS, 20
DLA Marbach A-Elias 500 Text concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' of translation into English of first part of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation', with additions and corrections, p. 1-20, incomplete Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover See also Schr. PROZESS, 21.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 501 File concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' probably concerning the translations into English of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation', with notes and typewritten pages Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 502 Notes concerning the manuscripts of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 503 Text of outline of 'The genesis of the naval profession' concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 504 Manuscript with note with heading 'Comparative development in France and Spain' p. 11-34, incomplete concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 505 Manuscript with note with heading 'Copies of development in France and Spain and beginnings in England', p. 13-62, incomplete, carbon copy concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 5.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 506 Manuscript of 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession. 2. The formative conflict', p.1-20, largely original with some carbon copies concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 506 Manuscript of 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession. 2. The formative conflict', p.1-20, largely original with some carbon copies concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 507 Manuscript of 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession. 2. The formative conflict', p. 1-13, unfinished concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 508 Manuscript with note with heading 'Growth Henry VIII t. Charles I', p. 14-25 concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 509 Manuscript of 'The genesis of the naval profession. Gentlemen into seamen', p. 1-3, p. 14-15, p. 25, incomplete, carbon copy with handwritten corrections concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 6.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 510 Manuscript of 'The genesis of the naval profession. Gentlemen into seamen', p. 1-22, incomplete, carbon copy with handwritten corrections concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 7.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 511 Manuscript of 'The genesis of the naval profession. Gentlemen into seamen', p. 1-2, incomplete, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 512 Manuscript of 'Naval Officers in the 19th century. An occupational study. I. The genesis of an occupation', p. 1-6e, incomplete. concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 8.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 513 Manuscript with note with heading 'Development of midshipman with French comparison', p. 7-17, version with mark A, incomplete concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 9.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 514 Manuscript with note with heading 'Continuation to Drake rivalry. (1) Captain - master, (2) Master - lieutenant', p. 1-16, version with mark B. concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 10.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 515 Text of 'A Study in Tensions', several concepts of beginnings, versions with marks Q and O. concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 516 Manuscript with note with heading 'Growing costs of naval establishment. Comparison Elisabeth and Cromwell etc.', p. 9-16, largely original with some carbon copies, incomplete, with additional notes concerning 'Studies in the genesis of the naval profession' Authorship Manuscripts 1939 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 517 File concerning 'Studies in the Genesis of the Naval Profession', with numbered pages belonging to several manuscripts. Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAVAL, 1.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 518 File concerning manuscripts of 'Studies in the Genesis of the Naval Profession', with notes, unnumbered pages and newspaper clippings Authorship Manuscripts 1955 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 519 Manuscript of 'Fundamentals of Sociology', p. 1-101 and 2 sheets with notes, incomplete, carbon copy with handwritten additions and corrections. Authorship Manuscripts 1960 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. FUNDAMENTALS, 1, 2.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 520 File with earlier or later versions of manuscripts of 'Fundamentals of Sociology', incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1960 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. FUNDAMENTALS, 3, 9.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 521 File concerning manuscripts of 'Fundamentals of Sociology' with unnumbered sheets and notes Authorship Manuscripts 1960 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. FUNDAMENTALS, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 522 File concerning manuscripts of 'Fundamentals of Sociology' with sheets with titles 'The Problem of the 'Inevitability' of Social Developments', 'Conclusion, and New Sociology' and sheets with marks A, D, F, FFFF, NNNN, X, II. Authorship Manuscripts 1960 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 523 Text in German with mark Bev, found among manuscripts of 'Fundamentals of Sociology', incomplete Authorship Manuscripts 1960 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 7 sheets.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 524 Manuscript of 'Einführung in die Soziologie', p. 1-71 with an outline of the manuscript and 1 sheet with notes, original. Authorship Manuscripts 1966 Manuscript 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 525 Text of outline of 'Einführung in die Soziologie', p. 1-4 and 1 sheet with notes, two versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1966 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 526 Manuscript without title or marks probably of (part of) 'Einführung in die Soziologie', p. 10-22, several versions, unfinished, incomplete, mostly original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1966 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 527 Notes concerning manuscript without title or marks probably of (part of) 'Einführung in die Soziologie' (with possible title of manuscript 'Struktur im Gewühl. Zum Problem des Ökonomisches') Authorship Manuscripts 1966 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 528 Manuscript of 'Was ist Soziologie?' with mark WiS, p. 1-55, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 folder.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 529 Manuscript of 'Was ist Soziologie?' with mark WiS, p. 56-439, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 530 Manuscript of 'Was ist Soziologie?' with mark WiS, p. 99-425, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 531 Manuscript of 'Die Entdeckung des Gegenstands der Soziologie' concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' with mark SS, p. 1-17, p. 20, incomplete, carbon copy. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. WAS-SOZIOLOGIE, 12
DLA Marbach A-Elias 532 Manuscript with marks SS and SSS and (handwritten) concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' C, p. 18-67, several versions, incomplete, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. WAS-SOZIOLOGIE, 13, 14.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 533 Manuscript with mark SS concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' , p. 30-52, incomplete Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. WAS-SOZIOLOGIE, 13, 14.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 534 Manuscript with marks SS and SSS concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' , p. 18-57, several earlier versions, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. WAS-SOZIOLOGIE, 13, 14.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 535 Manuscript with marks SSS and SSSS concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' , p. 40-95, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. WAS-SOCIOLOGIE, 15.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 536 File concerning manuscripts with marks SS, SSS, SSSS with notes and unnumbered pages concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 537 Manuscript of first chapter 'Zur Klärung des Soziologie-Begriffs' concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' , p. 1-30 and p. I-III, incomplete, original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 538 Manuscript of first chapter with mark Kap I, p. 1-9, original concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 539 Manuscript of new introduction with mark EE EE, p. 8-21, several versions, mostly originals with some carbon copies concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. WAS-SOZIOLOGIE, 3a.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 540 Text of probably an addition to the introduction with title 'Einleitung Neudenken nach der Revolution' and mark 'Zusatz' concerning 'Was ist Soziologie?' Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers 3 p. n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 541 File concerning manuscripts of 'Was ist Soziologie''What is sociology', with handwritten en typewritten notes Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 542 Manuscript without title or mark, p. 10-19, incomplete, original. probably concerning 'Einführung in die Soziologie' Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 543 File probably concerning 'Einführung in die Soziologie' 'Was ist Soziologie', with pages of several manuscripts or texts. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 544 Manuscript of 'Schwierigkeiten des Soziologiestudiums'., p. 1-6 and an outline of the manuscript, unfinished, original. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 545 Manuscript of 'Der Teufelszirkel. Ein denk-soziologisches Grundproblem', p. 9-21, several versions, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 546 Manuscript of 'Stufen des Bewußtseins', p. 1, p. 9-18, incomplete, original. Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 547 File with handwritten notes and pages of manuscripts found among the manuscripts of 'Der Teufelszirkel' and 'Stufen des Bewußtseins'. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 548 File with assistant's heading 'Material to 'levels of consciousness'', with part of manuscript and notes Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 549 File with manuscript or manuscripts with marks EE, EEEEE, FFF, FFFFF, GGG, notes and sheets of other manuscripts Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 550 Manuscript of 'Wissens-Soziologie - Neue Perspektiven' with mark WSNP, p. 1-9 and p. A-B, largely original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PERSPECTIVES, 16.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 551 Text of transcription of lecture or lectures entitled 'Wissens-Soziologie: neue Perspektiven', part I and II, photocopy. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 552 Text of table of contents of 'Sociology of Knowledge: New Perspectives. 2 p., carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. PERSPECTIVES, New Perspectives.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 553 Manuscript of Manuscript of 'Lawlike Theories and Process Theories' with mark Lapro top left, p. 1-25, some pages several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 554 Manuscript of 'Law-like Theories and Process-Theories' with mark Lapro top left, p. 1-19, several versions, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. DIV-SCIENCES, 3.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 555 Manuscript of 'Lawlike Theories and Processtheories' with mark Lapro top middle, p. 1-6, original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 556 Manuscript 'Lawlike Theories and Process Theories' with marks LAPLAP and Lap lap, p. 18-21, several versions, largely original with one carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 557 File concerning manuscripts of 'Lawlike theories and process theories' with notes and unnumbered pages Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 558 Manuscript of 'Towards a Theory of Sciences', p. 1-25, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 559 Manuscript of 'Towards a Theory of Sciences', p. 1-34, several versions, incomplete, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 560 Manuscript with mark Sciencetheory, p. 4-35, incomplete, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. DIV-SCIENCES, 1.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 561 File concerning manuscripts of 'Towards a Theory of Sciences' with sheets of early beginnings of manuscript Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 562 Text without title or marks, p. 5aa-5hhhh, found among manuscripts of 'Towards a Theory of Sciences' but possibly belonging to an other manuscript. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 563 Manuscript of 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with mark G, p. 1-22, original Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GRUPPENCHAR, 3.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 564 Manuscript of 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with marks G, GG, GGG, p. 1-21, some pages several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GRUPPENCHAR, 4, 5.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 565 File with sheets of earlier versions of manuscripts concerning 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with marks G, GG, GGn, GGnn, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GRUPPENCHAR, 4, 6.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 565 File with sheets of earlier versions of manuscripts concerning 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with marks G, GG, GGn, GGnn, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GRUPPENCHAR, 4, 6.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 566 Manuscript of 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with mark GGG, p. 1-49, carbon copy with handwritten corrections by N. Elias Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GRUPPENCHAR, 7.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 567 Manuscript concerning 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with mark VV, p. 10-29, incomplete, original Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GRUPPENCHAR, 9.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 568 File concerning manuscripts of 'Group Charisma and Group Disgrace' with handwritten and typewritten notes and an invitation to the 15. Deutschen Soziologentag. Authorship Manuscripts 1964 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 569 Manuscript of 'Notizen zu einem Brief' with mark Fen, p. 1-58g, original, with editorial remarks by M. Schröter Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 570 Manuscript probably of earlier version of 'Notizen zu einem Brief' with mark Fen, p. 1-63 and 2 pages with keywords for conclusion and 1 sheet with notes, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 571 File with sheets of several versions of manuscript with mark Kanons concerning 'Soziale Kanons und soziale Existenz' , originals and carbon copies. c Authorship Manuscripts 1980 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 covers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 572 File concerning manuscripts of 'Soziale Kanons und soziale Existenz' with notes and unnumbered pages Authorship Manuscripts 1980 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. KANONS, 3.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 573 Manuscript of 'The Sociologist's Reply' with mark Noel top right, p. 1-13, unfinished, original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC E XII, Lakatos, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 574 Manuscript of 'The Sociologist's Reply' with mark Noel top right, p. 14-34, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC E XII, Lakatos, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 575 Manuscript of 'The Sociologist's Reply' with mark Noel top left, p. 1-13, some pages two versions, carbon copy with some originals Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC E XII, Lakatos, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 576 File with sheets of several versions of manuscripts of 'The Sociologist's Reply' with marks Noel, Repl, Niel and Kant and some unnumbered sheets and notes Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC E XII, Lakatos, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 577 Manuscript with mark I & D, p. 43-44, incomplete concerning Engagement und Distanzierung, original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 2 covers.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 578 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse auf verschiedenen Stufe' with mark Fisch, p. A-D and unnumbered page, carbon copies and original concerning Engagement und Distanzierung Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 12.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 579 Manuscript without title and mark p. 2-5 and 1 sheet of notes, incomplete, original and carbon copy concerning An Enquiry into German Civilian Letters Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAZIBRIEFE, 1.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 580 Translations into English by N. Elias of letters, p. c-t, original concerning An Enquiry into German Civilian Letters Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. NAZIBRIEFE, 6.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 581 Manuscript of 'An Account of Gods and Heroes from Akropong' with mark TTT, p. 2-7, incomplete, early version, original Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GHAN-ESSAYS, 14.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 582 Text of 'Notes on Andreas Riis', p. 12-14, incomplete, original Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. GHAN-ESSAYS, 8, 9
DLA Marbach A-Elias 583 Manuscript of 'On the Sociogenesis of Sociology', revised version of manuscript of 'The Break With Traditionalism and the Origins of Sociology', p. 1-25, stencil, with handwritten corrections Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 584 Manuscript of 'Zum Begriff des Alltags' with mark Alltag, p. 1-15, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 585 Text of 'Group-Analysis and the Problem of Power' with mark Gr, 2 p., original and carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 586 Text of 'Notizen zum Problem der Utopie', p. 1-2 Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 587 Text of 'A Collision of Dreams', 2 p. carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 sheets.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 588 Text of table of contents of 'Die höfische Gesellschaft', carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 589 Text of 'Zur Grundlegung einer Theorie sozialer Prozesse' with mark CV CV, p. 4, incomplete Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet. See also Schr. GRUNDLEGUNG, 4.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 590 Text with mark WENDY, p. 39, original. Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet. See also Schr. DYNAMICS/WENDY, 6.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 591 Text of 'Menschliche Aspekte des technischen Fortschritts mit einigen utopischen Richtungsbestimmungen' with mark Bonn, p. 1-19, carbon copy. 1981 Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC D XIII, 3.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 592 Manuscript of introduction to the Yearbook of Sociology of the Sciences on scientific establishments with mark In-Es, p. 1-11, several versions, carbon copy. Authorship Manuscripts 1981 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 593 Text with mark Scientab AA, p. 4, original concerning Scientific Establishments Authorship Manuscripts 1981 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. SCIENTAB, 1O.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 594 Text with mark Scientific Establishments, possibly a correction of or addition to a manuscript, p. 36/37, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1981 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 595 File concerning manuscripts prior to 1982 with sheets of several manuscripts Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 596 Manuscript of 'American European relations in a long-term perspective' with mark Rel. top middle, p. 1-72 and additinal pages to introduction p. a-e, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 597 Manuscript of 'American European relations in a long-term perspective' with mark Rel. top middle, p. 1-72, earlier versions of manuscript, carbon copies and originals Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 598 Manuscript of new beginning of 'Euro-American relations in a long term perspective' with mark Rel. top right, p. 1-5, original Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 599 Manuscript of 'Summary and Conclusions Rel' with mark SumRel, p. 1-8, original Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 600 Text of 'Euro-American relations in a long term perspective' with mark, p. 1-18, original Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 601 Text of plan for manuscript with mark Rel (PLAN), p. 1-4 and 1 sheet with notes, original Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 602 File concerning 'Euro-American relations in a long-term perspective' with notes Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 603 Manuscript of 'What is the role of scientific and literary utopias for the future?' with mark Wass., p. 1-33, original. c. Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. WASSENAAR.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 604 Manuscript of "What is the role of scientific and literary utopias for the future?" with note by N. Elias "Literal version from band later revised for printing", p. 1-4, 2 versions, incomplete, original and photocopy. c. Authorship Manuscripts 1982 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 605 Text of 'Die Einsamkeit der alternden und sterbenden Menschen' with mark Bad Salzuflen, p. 1-15, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also Schr. TOD, 10, 11.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 606 Manuscript with mark Time, p. 105-167, incomplete, originals and carbon copies concerning 'An Essay On Time' - 'Über die Zeit' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript n.d. 3 covers
DLA Marbach A-Elias 607 Manuscript of 'Über die Zeit' (second part of Merkur edition), translation of 'An Essay On Time' with additions and corrections by N. Elias, p. 1-35, last pages several versions Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 608 Notes concerning manuscript(s) of 'An Essay On Time' - 'Über die Zeit' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 609 Text of 'Some remarks on the problem of work', p. 1-6, original Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 610 Text with mark Occu, p. 5-15, original concerning 'Some remarks on the problem of work' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 610 Text with mark Occu, p. 5-15, original. concerning 'Some remarks on the problem of work' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 611 File concerning 'Some remarks on the problem of work' with pages of earlier version and notes Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 612 Manuscript of 'The Age of the Kitsch Style', p. 1-12 with annex, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 613 Manuscript of 'The Age of the Kitsch Style', p. 1-11, several earlier versions with annex, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 614 Manuscript of 'Conditio Humana. Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung der Menschheit am 40. Jahrestag dieser Friedenszeit' with mark Cohu, p. 1-111, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 615 Manuscript of earlier versions of 'Conditio Humana', p. 1-114, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 616 Notes concerning 'Conditio Humana' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 617 Manuscript of 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen', p. 1-44, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 618 Manuscript of 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen' with mark Esse top middle, p. 1-19, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 619 Text of reply to Esser's article with mark Esser, p. 1-8, original concerning 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 620 Text of 'Entwurf zu Esser - Antwort' with mark Entwurf, p. 1-10, original, concerning 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 621 Text of reply to Esser's article with mark Ess., p. 1-8, original, concerning 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 622 Manuscript of 'Stellungnahme zu der Zentralprobleme dieser Debatte' with mark Esse top right and middle, p. 1-18, several versions, originals and carbon copies. concerning 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 623 Notes concerning the manuscripts and texts of 'Wissenschaft oder Wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 624 Text of Mulino lecture 'Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes in the History of Civilization' with few handwritten corrections by N. Elias Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 625 Manuscript of 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' with mark Balop, p. 1-46, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 626 Manuscript of 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' with mark Balop (earlier version), p. 1-46, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 627 Manuscript of 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' with mark Balop, p. 1-46, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 628 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 629 Manuscript of 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' with mark Sexes, p.1-24, carbon copies and photocopies Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. GESCHLECHTER, 1.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 630 Text of 'Notes to 'Sexes'' with mark N-Sexes, p. 1-47, carbon copy with handwritten corrections Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also Schr. GESCHLECHTER, 10.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 631 Manuscript of 'Wandlungen in der Machtbalance im Verhältnis von Männer und Frauen' with mark Mabal, p. 1-12, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 632 Manuscript of 'Wandlungen der Machtbalance im Verhältnis von Männer und Frauen' with mark Wamabal, p. 1-18, carbon copies with some originals Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 633 Manuscript of 'Wandlungen der Machtbalance im Verhältnis von Männer und Frauen' with mark Wamabal, p. 1-64 (first part earlier version), carbon copies and photocopies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 634 Text of addition to 'Wandlungen der Machtbalance im Verhältnis von Männer und Frauen' with mark Wama, p. 13a-b, with notes Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 635 Manuscript of 'Wandlungen der Machtbalance im Verhältnis von Männer und Frauen' with mark Wamabal, p. 7-64, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies. Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 636 Manuscript of 'Naturale und soziale Aspekte der Geschlechterbeziehung' with mark Natu, p. 1-54, incomplete, several versions, largely carbon copy with some originals Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 637 Manuscript of 'Natürliche und soziale Aspekte der Geschlechterbeziehung' with mark Natu, p. 1-70 (p. 46-47 skipped or missing), largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 638 Text with mark Plan, p. 1-5, incomplete, original concerning either 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes' or 'Wandlungen der Machtbalance im Verhältnis von Männer und Frauen' or 'Natürliche und soziale Aspekte der Geschlechterbeziehung' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 639 File concerning manuscripts on the balance of power between the sexes with notes, a bibliography and text with quotations Authorship Manuscripts 1984 - 1988 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 640 Text of outline of 'The Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes in European Societies', 2 p., original. c. Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 641 Manuscript of introduction p. 1-58, carbon copies and photocopies with handwritten corrections by N. Elias concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 642 Manuscript with mark End, p. 1-27, incomplete, original with handwritten corrections concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 643 Manuscript with mark End, p. 1-35, carbon copy with sometimes different handwritten corrections concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 644 Manuscript with mark End, p. 1-35, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 645 Notes concerning manuscripts with mark End concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 646 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Sp, p. 1-37, original with handwritten corrections concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 647 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Sp, p. 1-37, carbon copy with sometimes different handwritten corrections concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 648 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Sp, p. 1-43, earlier and later versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 649 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Preface' with mark Sp concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 650 Manuscript without mark and with page numbers bottom middle, p. 29b-33g, p. 42, several versions concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 651 Notes concerning manuscript without mark and with page numbers bottom middle concerning 'The Quest For Excitement' Authorship Manuscripts Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 652 Manuscript of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' with mark Cont., p. 1-20, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 653 Manuscript of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' with mark Cont., p. 1-20, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 654 Text of end of manuscript with mark End Con, p. 1-3, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 655 Manuscript with mark Synopsis, p. 1-7, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 656 Manuscript of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge. Synopsis' with mark Condis, p. 1-10, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 657 Manuscript of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge. Synopsis' without mark, 7 p., carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 658 Manuscript of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge. Synopsis' without mark, p. 1-5, two copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 659 Text of an outline of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' with mark P, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 660 Text concerning the first period of dominant priestly knowledge with mark =, p. 1-2, original and carbon copy concenring 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 661 Text concerning the first period of dominant secular knowledge with mark F.D.S.K., p. 1-4, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 662 Text with title 'Transition to second period of priestly knowledge' with mark S.D.K.P., p. 1-14, largely original concerning 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 663 Notes concerning manuscripts and texts of 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 664 Manuscript of and notes concerning 'Community and State. A Preliminary Exploration of Integration Processes and Their Counter-Movements' with mark Coty, p. 1-6, several versions, largely original. concerning 'Continuities and Discontinuities in the Transmission of Knowledge' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 665 Manuscript of 'Processes of Integration and the Balance of Power' with mark Integration, p. 1-33, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 666 Manuscript with mark Integration, earlier versions, p. 5-28, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Processes of Integration and the Balance of Power' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 667 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' with mark Ziv. top middle, according to assistant's heading last version, p. 1-5, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 668 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' with mark Sch, p. 1-2, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 669 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' without mark, p. 1-3, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 670 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' with mark Ziv top middle, p. 1-5, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 671 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' with mark Ziv top right, p. 1-4, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 672 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' without mark, p. 1-5, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 673 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' with mark Ziv top middle, p. 1-5, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 674 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation' with mark Ziv top middle, p. 1-5, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 675 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Zivilisation' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 676 Manuscript of 'Zeit' with mark Z, p. 1-4, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 677 Manuscript of 'Zeit' with mark Sch y, p. 1-3, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 678 Manuscript of 'Zeit' with mark Z., p. 1-4, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 679 Manuscript of 'Zeit' without mark, p. 1-3, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 680 Manuscript of 'Zeit' with mark Zeit, p. 1-3, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 681 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Zeit' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 682 Manuscript of 'Figuration' without mark, p. 1-4b, according to assistant's heading last version, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 683 Manuscript of 'Figuration' with mark Sch x, p. 1-12, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 684 Manuscript of 'Figuration' with mark Sch xxx, p. 1-5, two copies, possibly identical Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 685 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Figuration' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 686 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse' with mark Soz.Pr., p. 1-7, possibly last version, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 687 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse' with mark Sch z, zz, zzz, p. 1-13, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 688 Manuscript with mark Sch x, xx, xxx, p. 13-29, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 689 Manuscript with mark Sch ei, p. 1-3, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Zivilisation' or 'Zeit' or 'Figuration' or 'Soziale Prozesse' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 690 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse' with mark Soz.Pr., p. 1-10, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 691 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse' with mark SP, p. 1-9, original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 692 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse' without mark, p. 1-7, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 693 Manuscript of 'Soziale Prozesse' without mark, p. 1-7, different version, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 694 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Soziale Prozesse' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 695 Notes probably concerning manuscripts of 'Grundprobleme der Soziologie' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 - 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 696 Text of transcription of lecture 'Thomas Morus und die Utopie' with editorial corrections by N. Elias, p. 1-14, 2 copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 697 Text of 'Thomas Morus: Hegemonialutopien', p. 1-5, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 698 Text of 'Thomas Morus und die Utopien' with mark ZU, p. 1-6, original. c Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 699 File concerning 'Thomas Morus und die Utopie' with typewritten and handwritten notes Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 700 Manuscript of 'The Retreat of Sociologists Into the Present', revised version of a translation of 'Über die Rückzug der Soziologen auf die Gegenwart', p. 283-318, carbon copies, originals and photocopies. Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 701 Manuscript of 'The Retreat of Sociologists Into the Present', revised version of a translation of 'Über die Rückzug der Soziologen auf die Gegenwart', several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1969 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 702 Text of translation 'The Retreat of Sociologists Into the Present' with corrections by N. Elias, incomplete, photocopy. c Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 703 Manuscript of 'Über den Rückzug der Soziologen auf die Gegenwart', p. 1-14, photocopy with few handwritten additions Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. BAMBERG, 1.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 704 Text of 'Pride and prejudice of the Dutch people' with mark PP, p. 1-4, 2 copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 705 Notes concerning 'Pride and prejudice of the Dutch people' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 706 Manuscript of 'The Formation of States and Changes in Restraint' with mark SYMP, revised version of the transcription of a speech, p. 1-33, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 707 Manuscript of 'The Formation of States and Changes in Restraint with mark SYMP, revised version of the transcription of a speech, p. 1-31, earlier version, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 708 Text of transcription of speech 'The Formation of States and Changes in Restraint' with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 709 Text of introduction of lecture 'Introduction to Human Emotions' with mark Int. H.E. top right, p. 1-2, original and carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 710 Manuscript of lecture 'Human Emotions In Process-Sociological Perspective' with mark H.E. top left or middle, p. 1-26, original. Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 711 Manuscript of lecture 'Human Emotions in Process-Sociological Perspective' with mark H.E. top left or middle, p. 1-26, carbon copy with additional handwritten corrections Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 712 Manuscript of lecture with heading 'Present note on emotions' and mark Emotions, p. 1-33 and p. a-c, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 713 Manuscript of lecture 'Human Emotions In Process-Sociological Perspective' with mark H.E. top right, p. 1-9, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 714 Text of 'Human Emotions. Thesis' with mark Human Emotions, p. 1-5, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 715 Manuscript of article 'About Human Beings And Their Emotions. A Process-Sociological Essay' edited by S. Mennell and with additions and re-edited by N. Elias, p. 1-33, photocopies, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 - 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 716 Manuscript of article 'About Human Beings and Their Emotions. A Process-Sociological Essay' with mark H.E. top right, p. 1-33, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 717 Manuscript of article 'Human Emotions In Process-Sociological Perspective' with mark H.E. top right, p. 1-20, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 718 Manuscript of article with mark E., p. 1-6, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 719 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Human Beings In Process-Sociological Perspective' - 'About Human Beings And Their Emotions' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 720 Manuscript with erased title 'Der Prozess der Menschheit' and mark IDM, p. 1-68, original. Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 721 Manuscript with erased title 'Der Prozess der Menschheit' and mark IDM, p. 1-68, carbon copy with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 722 Manuscript of earlier version with mark Weltorganisation, p. 3-49, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 723 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Der Prozeß der Menschheit' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 724 Text of transcription of lecture on 'Probleme der Menschheitsintegration' with additions and editorial corrections by N. Elias Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 725 Manuscript of 'Psychoanalysis and Sociology' with mark Leiden, p. 1-74, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 726 Manuscript of 'Psychoanalysis and Sociology' with mark Leiden, p. 1-74, earlier version, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 727 Text of 'Sociology and Psychoanalysis' with mark Sp or without mark, p. 1-2, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 728 File concerning manuscripts of "Psychoanalysis and Sociology" with notes and texts of quotations and tables Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 729 Manuscript of 'Fear of Death' with mark Gron, p. 1-33, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 730 Manuscript of 'Fear of Death' with mark Gron, p. 1-33, carbon copy with few additional corrections Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 731 Notes concerning the manuscript 'Fear of Death' Authorship Manuscripts 1967 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 732 Text of transcription of lecture 'Fear of Death' with editorial corrections probably by assistant Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 733 Manuscript of chapter one of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' with mark GdI top middle, p. 1-12, original Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 734 Manuscript of chapter one of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' with mark GdI top middle, p. 1-12, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 735 Manuscript of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' with mark GdI top right, p. 5-110, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 736 Manuscript of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' with mark GdI top right, p. 5-110, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 737 Text with mark GdI ad 67, p. 1-5, carbon copy concerning 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 738 Text with mark Zugabe, p. 1-4, original concerning 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 739 Manuscript of first chapter of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' with mark GdI top right (earliest version), p. 1-4, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 740 Text of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen. Vorwort' with mark GdI-Vorw., p. 1-4, carbon copy. c. Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 741 Text of 'Notizen zum Vorwort für die Gesellschaft der Individuen' with mark Ges. Ind., p. 1-2, carbon copy Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 742 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 743 Manuscript of 'Introduction' with mark Inv or Ex. top right, p. 1-93, largely carbon copies with some originals concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 744 Manuscript of "Introduction" with mark Inv or Ex. top right, p. 1-92, several earlier versions,, originals and carbon copies, concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover. N.B. Approximately first 10 pages contain handwritten corrections not found in final version, inv. no. 743.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 745 Notes concerning manuscripts of 'Introduction' concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 746 Manuscript of 'Engagement und Distanzierung. Vorwort' with mark EDV, p. 1-20, photocopy with additional handwritten corrections Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 29.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 747 Manuscript of 'Engagement und Distanzierung. Vorwort' with mark EDV, p. 1-20, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 30.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 748 Notes probably concerning manuscripts of 'Engagement und Distanzierung. Vorwort' with mark EDV Authorship Manuscripts 1983 - 1987 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 749 Manuscript of 'Engagement und Distanzierung. Vorwort' with mark EDV fin, p. 1-22, plus notes, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1967 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 750 Text of 'Die 5 Kardinalpunkte', p. 1-7, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 751 Manuscript of 'Involvement and Detachment. Preface^' with mark EDV transl, p. 1-18, original Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 752 Manuscript with mark I&D preface, end of, p. 1-11, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 753 Manuscript of 'Involvement and Detachment. New Preface' with mark NEW PREFACE, p. 1-28, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 754 Manuscript of 'Involvement and Detachment. New Preface' with mark NEW PREFACE, p. 1-28, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 755 Text of 'The knowledge process' with mark PLAN, p. 1-2, carbon copy concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 756 Manuscript with mark New Preface 9, p. 1-24, carbon copy concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 757 Manuscript with mark New Preface 9, earlier versions of several pages, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 758 Manuscript of 'Preface to Involvement and Detachment' with mark Preface fin, p. 1-23, unfinished, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 759 Manuscript of 'Preface to Involvement and Detachment' with mark Preface fin, p. 1-29, several versions, partly earlier, partly later, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 760 Manuscript with mark Preface (beg.), p. 1-7, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 761 Manuscript with mark Preface (beg.), p. 1-7, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 762 Manuscript with mark I&D (last part), p. 1-13, largely original with some carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 763 Manuscript of 'Involvement and Detachment. New Preface' with mark NEW PREFACE, p. 1-5, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 764 Notes concerning 1983-versions of manuscripts of introduction to 'Involvement and Detachment/"Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 765 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. O top middle, p. 1-31, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 21.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 766 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. O top middle, p. 1-34, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 21
DLA Marbach A-Elias 767 Manuscript with mark Pref. P, p. 1-2kk, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 22.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 768 Manuscript with mark Pref. P., p. 1-2kk, carbon copy with slightly different numbering concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover. See also Schr. INVOLVEMENT, 22.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 769 Manuscript with mark Pref. OO top right, p. 2-24, incomplete, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 770 Manuscript with mark Pref. OO top right, p. 1-23, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 771 Text with mark Dia, p. 1-5, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 772 Manuscript with mark D.Pref., p. 3-57, few pages several versions, largely originals with some carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 773 Manuscript with mark D.Pref., p. 1-17, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 774 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. fin., p. 1-10, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Poems and aphorisms 1984 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 775 Notes concerning 1984-versions of manuscripts of introduction concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 776 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. finfin, p. 1-46, unfinished, largely original with some carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 - 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 777 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. finfin, p. 2-45, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1984 - 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 778 Text with mark Beilage, p. 1-2, original. concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 779 Text of 'Special Note' with mark Sp. N., p. 1-6, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 780 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. ff., p. 1-183 and conclusion p. 1-10, original concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 781 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. ff., p. 1-183, photocopy, slightly differing from original (e.g. p. 89-90, p. 103-116) Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 782 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. ff., p. 1-183, incomplete, carbon copy with handwritten corrections some of which differing from original Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 783 Manuscript of 'Preface' with mark Pref. ff. and Pref. finfin and conclusion, p. 1-176, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1984 - 1985 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 784 Notes concerning 1985-versions of manuscript of introduction concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 785 Manuscript of 'Introduction' with mark Inv top right, p. 1-23, unfinished, original. concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 786 Manuscript of 'Introduction' with mark Inv top right, p. 1-23, unfinished, carbon copy with additional handwritten corrections concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 787 Manuscript of 'Introduction' with mark Inv top right, p. 1-10, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 788 Manuscript with mark Inv top middle, p. 13-38, carbon copy concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 789 Manuscript with mark Inv top middle, p. 1-38, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 790 Manuscript without title or mark, p. 37-38, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 - 1987 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 791 File concerning 1986-versions of manuscripts of introduction, with notes and unnumbered pages concerning 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 792 Notes concerning manuscripts of introduction to 'Involvement and Detachment' - 'Engagement und Distanzierung' Authorship Manuscripts 1983 - 1987 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 793 Manuscript of 'Adulthood' with mark Ad, p. 1-27, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 794 Notes concerning manuscript of 'Adulthood' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 795 Text of 'Zur Einführung in die Prozeß-soziologie' with mark B.C., p. 1-7, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover. See also inv. no. 471
DLA Marbach A-Elias 796 Text of 'Lecture at the 150th Anniversary of DE GIDS' with mark GIDS top right, p. 1-9, original Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 797 Text of earlier version with mark Gids top middle, p. 1-10, carbon copy. concerning concerning lecture on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of De Gids Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 798 Text of 'Aspects of Dutch History. On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of De Gids' with mark Gids top middle, p. 1-10, several versions, largely original Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 799 Texts of outline for the lecture, p. 1-4, two versions, largely original.concerning lecture on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of De Gids Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 800 Notes concerning texts of lecture on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of De Gids Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 801 Manuscript of 'Introduction to N.A.A. Azu's Adangbe History. Accra, 1929' with mark Krobo top right, p. 1-26, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'A Tribe on the Move' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 802 Manuscript of 'A Tribe on the Move. Outline of an early state formation process' with mark Krobo top middle, p. 1-49, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 803 Text of 'Plan' with mark Krobo Plan and KroPl., p. 1-33, largely original with some carbon copies. concerning 'A Tribe on the Move' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 804 Manuscript of 'Krobo Narrative. Stage I: The Migrating Ancestors' with mark KroNar and Narrative, p. 1-18, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'A Tribe on the Move' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 805 Manuscript of 'A Tribe on the Move. The Development of Krobo Society' with mark Kroint, p. 1-23, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 806 Manuscript of 'Introduction' with mark Kroint, p. 1-8, p. 16, several earlier versions of manuscript of 'A Tribe on the Move. The Development of Krobo Society', originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 807 Manuscript of 'Stage Two: Development of a Hill-Top Tribe' with mark KII, p. 1-79, original. concerning 'A Tribe on the Move' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 808 Manuscript of 'Stage Two: Development of a Hill-Top Tribe' with mark KII, p. 1-79, carbon copy with additional handwritten corrections Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 809 Manuscript of 'Stage Two: Development of a Hill-Top Tribe' with mark KII, p. 1-78, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'A Tribe on the Move' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 810 Notes concerning manuscripts on the Krobo concerning 'A Tribe on the Move' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 811 Text with mark MW, p. 1-10, carbon copy Texts of lecture at the Melkweg Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 812 Text with mark MW, p. 1-17, several versions, original and carbon copies Texts of lecture at the Melkweg Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 813 Text of 'ZDF Interview. Existentialismus' with mark Ex, p. 1-46, carbon copy. Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 814 Text with erased title 'ZDF Interview. Existentialismus' with mark Ex, p. 1-46, earlier version, original Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 815 Text of 'ZDF Interview. Existentialismus' with mark Ex, p. 1-44, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 816 Notes concerning texts of 'ZDF Interview. Existentialismus' Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 817 Manuscript in German with marks Technik, Techn and Ann., p. 1-48 plus p. 1-6, several versions, largely original with some carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 818 Manuscript in German with mark TeZi, p. 1-14, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' - 'Technisation and Civilisation' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 819 Text probably of addition to manuscript TeZi with mark Zugabe, p. 1-5, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' - 'Technisation and Civilisation Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 820 Text in German with mark Tab., p. 1-2, original concerning 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' - 'Technisation and Civilisation Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 821 Manuscript in German with mark Te.An., p. 1-8, several versions, largely original. concerning 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' - 'Technisation and Civilisation Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 822 Text in German of 'Plan Technisierung und Zivilisation' with mark Plan, p. 1-2, several versions Authorship Manuscripts 1986 - 1988 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 823 Manuscript in English with mark T&C, p. 1-6, several versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 824 Manuscript in English with mark Tech, p. 1-8, several versions, originals and carbon copies concerning 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' - 'Technisation and Civilisation Authorship Manuscripts 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 825 File concerning manuscripts of 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' with notes and source material Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 826 Manuscript of 'Civilization and Psychosomatics' with mark Marburg, p. 1-61, print-out of floppy disk Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 827 Manuscripts of 'Civilization and Psychosomatics' with mark Marburg, p. 1-24, three copies, probably slightly different versions of text of lecture Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 828 Manuscript of 'Civilization and Psychosomatic Research' with mark Marburg, p. 1-30, several earlier versions Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 829 Text of 'Aspects of Civilising Processes Which May Have a Bearing on Psychosomatic Research' with mark Marburg, p. 1-3 Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 830 Notes concerning manuscripts on civilization and psychosomatics Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 831 Text of 'Hitler' with mark HITnieuw, p. 1-6, print-out of floppy disk Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 832 Text of 'Der geheime Hitler' with mark Hitler, p. 1-36, print-out of floppy disk Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 833 Text of 'Der geheime Hitler' with mark Hitler, p. 1-13, several earlier versions Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 834 Text of 'Hitler' with mark HITspi, p. 1-2. Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 835 Text of 'Hitler' with mark HIT, p. 1-21, print-out of floppy disk Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 836 Text of 'Hitler' with mark HIT, p. 1-16, several earlier versions Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 837 Notes concerning texts on Hitler Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 838 Manuscript of 'Sex and Civilization' with mark sex, p. 1-11, two slightly different versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 839 Manuscript of 'Sex and Civilization' with mark sex, p. 1-7, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 840 Manuscript of 'Sex and Civilization' with mark sex, p. 1-17, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 841 Notes concerning manuscript of 'Sex and Civilization' Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 842 Text probably of foreword to 'Studien über die Deutschen' with mark Studien über die Deutschen, p. 1-4, original Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 843 Manuscript of 'Freud's Concept of Society and Beyond It' with mark FREUD 1 MS, FREUD 2 MS, p. 1-98, unfinished, original Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 844 Manuscript of 'Freud's Concept of Society and Beyond It' with mark Freud, p. 1-133, original Authorship Manuscripts 1988 - 1990 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 845 Manuscript of 'Freud's Theory of Society' with mark FREUD, p. 1-30, original Authorship Manuscripts 1988 - 1990 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 846 Manuscript of 'Freud's Theory of Society' with mark FREUD, p. 1-45, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 847 Manuscript of 'Freud's Theory of Society' with mark FREUD, p. 1-122, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 848 Manuscript of 'Freud's Theory of Society' with marks FREUD NIE, FREUD2 NIE, FREUD3 NIE, p. 1-122, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 849 Manuscript with mark FREUD3 NIE, p. 128-188, several versions, original Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 850 File concerning manuscripts of 'Freud's Theory of Society' - 'Freud's Concept of Society and Beyond It', with discarded parts of manuscripts and notes Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 851 Manuscript of 'Introduction' without mark, p. 1-21, unfinished concerning 'The Symbol Theory' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 852 Manuscript of 'Introduction' with marks INTSYM or N.I., p.1-10, several earlier versions concerning 'The Symbol Theory' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 853 Text of 'Note to Symbols' with mark symbol.noo, p. 1-9 Authorship Manuscripts 1989 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 854 Manuscript of 'The Symbol Theory. An Introduction' with mark ST, p. 1-66, incomplete Authorship Manuscripts 1987 - 1990 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 855 Manuscript of chapter I of 'The Symbol Theory: an Introduction' with mark Intrososy, p. 1-35, several versions Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 856 Manuscript of chapter II till IV with mark Sosy, p. 1-45, several versions concerning 'The Symbol Theory' Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 857 Manuscript of chapter V till end with mark SymTh, p. 1-135, several versions concerning 'The Symbol Theory' Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 858 Manuscript of 'Social Symbols. An Introduction' with mark Sosy, p. 1-19, original Authorship Manuscripts 1987 - 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 859 Manuscript of 'Social Symbols. An Introduction' with mark Sosy, p. 1-18, several earlier versions, originals and carbon copies Authorship Manuscripts 1987 - 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 860 Manuscript with heading 'Functions and Characteristics of Human Soundpatterns' and mark S, p. 1-16. original. Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 861 Manuscript with mark S, p. 3-21, several earlier versions (and last pages later versions) of manuscript with inv. no. 860., originals and carbon copies concerning 'The Symbol Theory' Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 862 Manuscript with mark Sosy, p. 17-134, several versions concerning 'The Symbol Theory' Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 863 Manuscript of 'New Beginning of Symbol Paper' with mark sosy 2, p. 1-2, several versions Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 864 File concerning manuscripts of 'The Symbol Theory' -'Social Symbols', with notes and discarded parts of manuscripts Authorship Manuscripts 1988 - 1989 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 865 Manuscript of 'New Chapter' with mark ESTO, p. 2-21 concerning 'The Established and the Outsiders' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 866 Manuscript with heading 'NEW INTRODUCTION/ CHAPTER to The Established and the Outsiders', p. 1-9 Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 867 Manuscript of 'New Chapter' with mark ESTO, p. 1-8 and notes, incomplete concerning 'The Established and the Outsiders' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 868 Manuscript with heading 'New text, to be added to the 1974-Introduction' with mark ESTO, p. 1-24 Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 869 Manuscript of 'New Chapter' with mark ESTO, p. 1-18 concerning 'The Established and the Outsiders' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 870 Manuscript of 'New Chapter' with mark ESTO, p. 1-2, incomplete concerning 'The Established and the Outsiders' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 871 Text with heading 'Ad Etablierten und Aussenseiter' with mark EUA2NEU, p. 1-2 concerning 'The Established and the Outsiders' Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 872 Text of 'Vorwort' to R. Rubinstein with mark Ren, p. 1-3, carbon copy. Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC D XIX, 11
DLA Marbach A-Elias 873 Text of 'Vorwort von Norbert Elias' to v. Stolk/Wouters with mark CaBra, p. 1-12, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1990 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also Schr. MISC D XIX, 10
DLA Marbach A-Elias 874 Text of foreword to M. Schröter with mark Vorw. Schröter , p. 1-7, photocopy Authorship Manuscripts 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 875 Text of 'Eine Utopie' with mark U, p. 1, original concerning literary utopias Authorship Manuscripts 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 876 Text of 'Leonard. Eine neue Utopie' with mark L, p. 1-4, original Authorship Manuscripts 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 877 Manuscript of 'Los der Menschen', originals and photocopies concerning poems Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 878 File with earlier versions of poems of 'Los der Menschen' Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 879 File with poems and aphorisms Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 800 File with poems and aphorisms Authorship Manuscripts 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 881 Manuscript of introduction to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' as translated into English by Eric Dunning Authorship Translations by others 1970 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 882 Manuscript of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' as translated into English by Edmund Jephcott, inc Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 883 Manuscript of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' as translated into English, the translator not being mentioned, inc., with corrections by J. Goudsblom Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 884 Manuscript of 'Über die Wandlungen der Angriffslust' from 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' as translated into English by Johan Goudsblom and Rod Aya Authorship Translations by others 1978 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 885 Manuscript of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' as translated into French by Pierre Kamnitzer, inc Authorship Translations by others 1972 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 886 Manuscript of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation', vol. 1, as translated into Italian, the translator not being mentioned Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 887 Manuscript of 'Die hÖfische Gesellschaft' as translated into French by Pierre Kamnitzer, with editorial corrections by N. Elias Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 888 Manuscript of 'Was ist Soziologie?' as translated into English, probably concerning two different translations, one of which by Stephen Mennell and Grace Morissey Authorship Manuscripts Manuscript n.d. 1 folder. See also Schr. WAS-SOZIOLOGIE, 6, 7
DLA Marbach A-Elias 889 Manuscript of 'An Essay on Time' as translated into German by Holger Fliessbach and Michael Schröter for publication in Merkur Authorship Translations by others 1982 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 890 Manuscript of 'An Essay on Time' as translated into German by Holger Fliessbach and Michael Schröter and edited by Michael Schröter Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 891 Manuscript of 'The Genesis of Sport as a Sociological Problem' as translated into German by Peter Nippert Authorship Translations by others 1982 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 892 Manuscript of 'Über die Rückzug der Soziologen auf die Gegenwart' as translated into English by Stephen Kalberg and Claudia Wies Kalberg, several copies, two of which with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Translations by others 1984 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 893 Manuscript of 'Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes in the History of Civilization' as translated into Italian, the translator not being mentioned Authorship Translations by others 1985 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 894 Manuscript of 'Changing Balance of Power Between the Sexes in the History of Civilization' as translated into German and edited by Michael Schröter Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 895 Manuscript of 'Technisierung und Zivilisation' as translated into English by Frank Pollock and Stephen Mennell Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 896 Manuscript of 'Zivilisation und Gewalt. Über das Staatsmonopol der körperlichen Gewalt und seine Durchbrechungen' as translated into English by John Keane Authorship Translations by others 1987 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 897 Manuscript of preface and first chapter of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen' as translated into French by Martin Ziegler Authorship Translations by others 1988 Manuscript 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 898 Manuscript of 'The Established and the Outsiders' as translated into German by Michael Schröter Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 899 Manuscript of new chapter to 'The Established and the Outsiders' as translated into German by Michael Schröter Authorship Translations by others 1990 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 900 Manuscript of 'Involvement and Detachment'* as translated into German by Michael Schröter, inc. Authorship Translations by others Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 901 Manuscript of 'Involvement and Detachment' as translated into German and edited by Michael Schröter for publication in Merkur Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 902 Manuscript of addenda to 'Engagement und Distanzierung' as translated into English by Edmund Jephcott Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 903 Manuscript of 'Zur Grundlegung einer Theorie sozialer Prozesse' as translated into English by Eric Dunning, 2 versions Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 904 Manuscript of 'Folk Football in Medieval and Early Modern Britain' as translated into German, the translator not being mentioned, inc. Authorship Translations by others Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 905 Text of N. Elias's talk on receiving the Adorno Prize as translated into English by David Parent Authorship Translations by others Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 906 Text written by N. Elias for a publication of Amnesty International as translated into Dutch, the translator not being mentioned Authorship Translations by others Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 907 Text of an interview by Abram van Stolk and Arend-Jan Heerma van Voss as translated into German by Michael Schröter. Authorship Translations by others Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder. See also inv. no. 1563
DLA Marbach A-Elias 908 Prospectus of the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium, Straelen Authorship Translations by others Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 920 File concerning the publication of 'The Established and the Outsiders', with a proof, inc. and a text by N. Elias for a book cover. c. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1965 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 921 Proof of introduction to new German edition of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation', with few editorial remarks by N. Elias. c. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1969 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 922 File concerning the publication of 'Was ist Soziologie?', with edited manuscript and proofs, inc. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 923 Text of introduction and chapter 2 and 3 of 'What is Sociology?' as edited by Gill Middleton-Smith Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1976 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 924 Manuscript of 'Notizen zu einem Brief' edited by Michael Schröter Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1978 Manuscript 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 925 Proof of 'Über die Einsamkeit der Sterbenden in unseren Tagen'. c. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1979 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 926 Proof of 'Zivilisation und Gewalt', with some editorial remarks by N. Elias. c. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1980 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 927 File concerning the publication of 'The Civilizing Process', with a proof and a text by N. Elias for book cover Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1981 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 928 File concerning the publication of 'Scientific Establishments', with manuscript probably edited by Richard Whitley, manuscript edited by Richard Kilminster and proofs. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1982 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 929 File concerning the publication of 'Engagement und Distanzierung', with manuscript as edited and translated by Michael Schröter, a proof with editorial remarks by N. Elias and text of editorial afterword by Michael Schröter Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1982 - 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 930 File concerning the publication of 'Sport im Zivilisationsprozeß' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1983 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 931 Proof of 'The Court Society' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1983 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 932 Text of introduction by Roger Chartier to the French edition of 'Die höfische Gesellschaft' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 933 Proof of 'Gedanken über die Bundesrepublik', with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 934 File concerning the publication of 'Wissenschaft oder wissenschaften? Beitrag zu einer Diskussion mit wirklichkeitsblinden Philosophen', with edited manuscript and proof with additions and editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 935 Proof of 'The Loneliness of the Dying', with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 936 Proof of 'Humana Conditio', with additions and editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Translations by others 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 937 File concerning the publication of 'The Quest for Excitement', with edited manuscript and proof with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 938 Proof of 'Wandlungen der Machtbalance zwischen den Geschlechtern', with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1986 Documents and Identy papers 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 939 File concerning the publication of 'Los der Menschen' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1986 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 940 File concerning the publication of 'Involvement and Detachment', with edited manuscript, proof with additions and editorial remarks by N. Elias and text for book cover by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1987 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 941 File concerning the publication of 'Die Gesellschaft der Individuen', with manuscript edited by Nils Runeby, 1983, and proof with additions and editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 942 Proof of 'Das Schicksal der deutschen Barocklyrik', with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 943 File concerning the publication of 'The Symbol Theory' in Theory, Culture and Society, with manuscript edited by Richard Kilminster and text of editor's note Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1988 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 944 Manuscript of 'Die satisfaktionsfähige Gesellschaft des zweiten deutschen Kaiserreiches' (chapter 1B of 'Studien Über die deutschen') as edited by Michael Schröter. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Manuscript n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 945 File concerning the publication of 'The Symbol Theory' by Blackwell, with text of editor's introduction by Richard Kilminster and proof Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1991 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 946 File concerning the publication of 'An Essay on Time', with edited manuscript and proof Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1992 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 947 Document concerning the publication of 'Die höfische Gesellschaft' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 948 Document concerning the publication of "Figuration" in Bernhard Schäfer's 'Grundbegriffe der Soziologie' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 949 Proof of 'Zur Grundlegung einer Theorie sozialer Prozesse', inc. Authorship Translations by others Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 950 Proofs concerning the publication of 'Terrorismus', with additions and editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 951 Document concerning the publication of 'Zum Begriff des Alltags' with editorial remarks by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 952 Proof of 'Thomas More's Staatskritik' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 953 Edited manuscript of poems and aphorisms Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Manuscript n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 954 Proof of 'Über die Zeit', inc. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 955 Proof of 'Norbert Elias über sich selbst', with editorial remarks by N. Elias, inc. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 956 Proof of 'The Sociology of Suicide', probably a volume of the New Sociology Library. Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also inv. no. 973.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 957 Text of introduction by Antonio Roversi to the Italian edition of 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 958 Text by N. Elias probably for book cover Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 sheet.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 959 List of publications by N. Elias which need translation or re-printing Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 960 Report of a plan for a 'Materialienband zu N. Elias' Zivilisationstheorie' Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 961 Article of 'Die Vertreibung der Hugenotten aus Frankreich' published in Der Ausweg, with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1935 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 962 Article of 'Studies in the Genesis of the Naval Profession' published in The British Journal of Sociology, with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1950 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 963 Article of 'Problems of Involvement and Detachment' published in The British Journal of Sociology, 1956, with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications Documents and Identy papers 3 copies. n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 964 Article of poem 'Marginal Notes' published in Luciad, with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1962 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 965 Volume of 'What is Sociology?', with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1978 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 vol
DLA Marbach A-Elias 966 Article of 'Zivilisation und Gewalt' published in 'Lebenswelt und soziale Probleme. Verhandlungen des 20. Deutschen Soziologentages zu Bremen 1980', with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1980 Documents and Identy papers 2 copies. n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 967 Article of 'Über den Rückzug der Soziologen auf die Gegenwart' published in Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, with corrections by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1983 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 968 List of some publications by N. Elias and some works on N. Elias up to 1971 Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1971 Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 969 List of publications by N. Elias, some seminar papers and manuscripts and some works on N. Elias, 1971, with additions by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1972 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 970 List of publications by N. Elias up to 1975 Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1975 Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 871 List of publications and some manuscripts by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1985 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 972 List of publications by N. Elias Authorship Correspondence concerning publications 1983 - 1897 Documents and Identy papers 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 973 File concerning N. Elias's editorship of the series 'Sociology of Contemporary Life' or 'New Sociology Library' with texts of an outline of the series by N. Elias and correspondence Authorship Editorial activities 1971 Documents and Identy papers n.d.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 974 File concerning N. Elias's editorship of the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook Authorship Editorial activities 1971 - 1988 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 975 File concerning N. Elias's editorship of 'Geschichte und Soziologie' Authorship Editorial activities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 976 Documents concerning N. Elias's planned editorship of 'Das menschliche Gesicht' Authorship Editorial activities Documents and Identy papers n.d. 2 docs
DLA Marbach A-Elias 977 File concerning N. Elias's editorship of the revised edition of 'The History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind' Authorship Editorial activities 1979 - 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1979-1980, 1982, 1984. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 978 Letter received by N. Elias concerning a request to become a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Contemporary Sociology Authorship Editorial activities 1970 Letters 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 979 File concerning the planned foundation of an International Journal of Sociology, with texts of an outline of a plan by N. Elias and a letter Authorship Editorial activities 1972 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 980 Circulars received by N. Elias concerning a request to become a member of the Advisory Board of the International Review for the Sociology of Sport Authorship Editorial activities 1984 Documents and Identy papers 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 981 Draft text of a 'Proposal for an International Journal of the Sociology of Science' in which N. Elias was to be a member of the Editorial Committee, with remarks by N. Elias Authorship Editorial activities Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 982 Correspondence with S.H. and E. Foulkes Other activities Group analysis 1939 - 1978 Documents and Identy papers 1939, 1941-1942, 1949-1962, 1964-1968, 1970-1971, 9173, 1976, 1978, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 983 File concerning 'Group-Analytic Meetings' with letters and reports concerning an International Congress of Mental Health, memoranda, notes and reports on group therapy meetings and lecture notes Other activities Group analysis 1945 - 1951 Documents and Identy papers 1945-1949, 1951, n.d. 1 folder
DLA Marbach A-Elias 984 Documents concerning a course on Szondi test in which N. Elias participated Other activities Group analysis 1949 Documents and Identy papers n.d. 1 cover. See also inv. nos. 1040-1044.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 985 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning the Group-analytic Society / Trust for Group-analysis Other activities Group analysis 1952 - 1987 Documents and Identy papers 1952-1953, 1955-1956, 1958, 1961, 1964-1965, 1968, 1976-1978, 1981, 1987, n.d. 1 cover.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 986 File concerning the Association of Psychotherapists with correspondence and documents concerning a course on 'The Dynamics of Small Groups' in which N. Elias participated Other activities Group analysis 1965 - 1971 Documents and Identy papers 1965-1967, 1970-1971. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 987 Minutes of a meeting and text of a draft outline of a plan by N. Elias concerning a projected research institute for psychotherapy Other activities Group analysis 1965 Documents and Identy papers 2 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 988 Documents received by N. Elias concerning his membership of the Management Committee of the Well Walk Centre for Psychotherapy Other activities Group analysis 1968 - 1972 Documents and Identy papers 1968, 1970, 1972, n.d. 4 docs.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 989 Documents received by and copies of letters sent by N. Elias concerning his activities as member of the council of the London Centre for Psychotherapy Other activities Group analysis 1974 - 1982 Documents and Identy papers 1974-1975, 1982. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 990 Prospectus concerning a Young People's Consultation Centre Other activities Group analysis Documents and Identy papers n.d 1 doc
DLA Marbach A-Elias 991 Notebook with heading 'Journal 9' Authorship Notebooks 1935 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 992 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A2 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 993 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A4 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 994 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A7 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 995 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A8 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 996 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A13 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 997 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A14 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 998 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A15 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 999 Notebook concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' A20 Authorship Notebooks 1936 Book (supplement zu A13-A19) 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1000 Notebook with heading ''B1, (Bibliographien und Gedanken zum mittelalterliche Ehe)' Authorship Notebooks 1937 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1001 Notebook with heading 'Changes of Power Between the Sexes. Love and Affection' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1002 Notebook with heading 'S II' with notes on the balance of power between the sexes Authorship Notebooks 1938 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1003 Notebook with heading 'Misc. 38/2'. Authorship Notebooks 1938 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1004 Notebooks with heading 'Serie B', 'I' with notes on English conduct books Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1005 Notebooks with heading 'Serie B', '2' with notes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1006 Notebook Authorship Notebooks 1939 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1007 Notebook 'I' with heading 'Schwarzbuch' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1939 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1008 Notebook 'II' with heading 'Schwarzbuch' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1939 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1009 Notebook 'III' with heading 'Schwarzbuch' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1939 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1010 Fortsetzung zu 3. Schwarzbuch, Notebook 'I' with heading 'Blaugelbheft' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1939 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1011 Notebook 'II' with heading 'Blaugelbheft' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1939 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1012 Notebook 'III' with heading 'Blaugelbheft' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1939 - 1940 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1013 Notebook 'IV' with heading 'Blaugelbheft' with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1940 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1014 Notebook with notes on French, German, Dutch and English history Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1015 Notebook 'I' with notes concerning 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' with heading 'Grünheft' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1016 Notebook 'II' with notes on Sweden and Norway with heading 'Grünheft' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1017 Notebook 'III' with amongst others notes on suicide and balance of power with heading 'Grünheft' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1018 Notebook 'I' Fortsetzung zu Grünheft 3 with heading 'Graublauheft' Authorship Notebooks 1941 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1019 Notebook 'II' with heading 'Graublauheft' Authorship Notebooks 1941 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1020 Notebook 'III' with amongst others notes on the naval profession with heading 'Graublauheft' Authorship Notebooks 1941 Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1021 Notebook 'IV' concerning mainly naval officers and odd notes English social history with heading 'Graublauheft' Authorship Notebooks 1941 Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1022 Notebook with notes on naval profession. c. Authorship Notebooks 1941 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1023 Notebook with notes on naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1024 Notebook with amongst others notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1025 Notebook with notes on the naval profession 'Little note book I' Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1026 Notebook with notes on the naval profession 'II' Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1027 Notebook with autobiographical notes and notes on detective stories Authorship Notebooks 1942 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1028 Notebook with notes on themes related to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks 1942 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1029 Notebook Authorship Notebooks 1942 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1030 Notebook with heading 'Kleinheft 2' with amongst others notes on economics, population Authorship Notebooks 1942 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1031 Notebook with amongst others corrections to 'Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation' vol. I, and notes on theory of society. c. Authorship Notebooks 1943 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1032 Notebook with amongst others notes on a play and on gags Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1033 Notebook with amongst others notes on gags Authorship Notebooks 1944 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1034 Notebook with heading 'Notes to the Amezones (?)' with notes on the balance of power between the sexes Authorship Notebooks 1944 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1035 Notebook with lecture notes on social psychology Authorship Notebooks 1944 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1036 Notebook with heading 'Blue Green Book' Authorship Notebooks 1946 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1037 Notebook with heading 'Braunbuch' with amongst others notes on India, religion, Julian Huxley Authorship Notebooks 1946 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1038 Notebook with heading 'Braunbuch' with notes on Prometheus, Nietzsche, Condorcet, Victor Hugo Authorship Notebooks 1946 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1039 Notebook with notes on classical Greece and Rome Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1040 Notebooks with heading 'Szondi Test', 'II' Authorship Notebooks 1949 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1041 Notebooks with heading 'Szondi Test', 'III' Authorship Notebooks 1949 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1042 Notebooks with heading 'Szondi Test', 'IV' Authorship Notebooks 1949 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1043 1 quire Authorship Notebooks 1949 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1044 Notebook with amongst others notes on Szondi test Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1045 Notebook with notes for lecture in Hull on sociology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1046 Notebook with amongst others notes on social psychology Authorship Notebooks 1956 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1047 Notebooks with notes on social psychology Authorship Notebooks Book n. d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1048 Notebooks with notes on social psychology Authorship Notebooks Book n. d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1049 Notebooks with notes on social psychology Authorship Notebooks Book n. d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1050 Notebook with amongst others notes on social psychology, labour Authorship Manuscripts Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1051 Notebook with amongst others notes on social psychology and sociology of knowledge/science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1052 Notebook with heading 'Blue I' with notes on biology, psychology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1053 Notebook with heading 'Notebook 7, cont. in blue notebook' with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1054 Notebook with heading 'Notebook 8, cont. from end of notebook 7' with notes on 'Problem: Development, order-disorder' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1055 Notebook with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1056 Notebook with amongst others notes on the sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n. d. 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1057 Notebook with amongst others notes on the sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1058 Notebook with amongst others notes on the study of sociology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1059 Notebook with amongst others notes on Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1060 Notebook with amongst others notes on suicide Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1061 Notebook with heading 'population' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1062 Notebook with heading 'Laughter, wits and humour I' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1063 Notebook with amongst others notes on humour Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1064 Notebook with amongst others notes on causality, sociology of education Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1065 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1066 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1067 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1068 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1950 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1069 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1951 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1070 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1953 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1071 Notebook 'I' with heading 'Yellow Book' with notes on naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1957 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1072 Notebook I'I' with heading 'Yellow Book' with notes on naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1957 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1073 Notebook 'III' with heading 'Yellow Book' with notes on naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1957 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1074 Notebook 'VI' with heading 'Yellow Book' with notes on naval profession with some notes on laughter, Durkheim. Authorship Notebooks 1958 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1075 Notebook 'V' with heading 'Yellow Book' with notes on naval profession c. Authorship Notebooks 1958 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1076 Supplement to Yellow Book V Authorship Notebooks 1959 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1077 Notebook with note with heading 'Drake' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1078 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1079 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1080 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1081 Notebook with notes on the naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1082 Notebook with amongst others notes on naval profession Authorship Notebooks 1957 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1083 Notebook with amongst others notes concerning the naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1084 Notebook with notes on the naval profession and on sciences Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1085 Notebook with amongst others notes on nobility Authorship Notebooks 1959 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1086 Notebook with notes mainly concerning books on Africa Authorship Notebooks 1959 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1087 Notebook with heading 'Civilization, Reinforcement effects' Authorship Notebooks 1961 Book 1 quire, year unclear
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1088 Notebook with heading 'Dual truth (?) in the social sciences' Authorship Notebooks 1961 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1089 Notebook with amongst others notes on stages of development and on behaviour and tradition Authorship Notebooks 1961 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1090 Notebook with notes on 'The Break with Traditionalism and the Origins of Sociology'. c. Authorship Notebooks 1961 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1091 Notebook with heading 'Davos Book 3' with amongst others notes on social development in Europe and on the concept of development. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1092 Notebook with amongst others notes on Germany and Germans Authorship Notebooks 1961 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1093 Notebook with heading 'Small Yellow Book', 'I' with notes on Jews Authorship Notebooks 1961 - 1962 Book 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1094 Notebook with heading 'Small Yellow Book', 'III' with notes on congress papers, methodological notes to development, and notes to 'The End of Traditionalism and the Beginning of Sociology'. c. Authorship Notebooks 1961 - 1962 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1095 Notebook with heading 'Small Yellow Book', 'IV' with notes on Germany Authorship Notebooks 1961 - 1962 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1096 Notebook with heading 'Small Yellow Book', 'V, Jews' Authorship Notebooks 1961 - 1962 Book 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1097 Notebook with heading 'Small Yellow Book', 'VI. End of Dream of Empire' Authorship Notebooks 1961 - 1962 Book 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1098 Notebook with heading 'Notebook I' with amongst others notes on Ferguson, Comte, concept of society, Jews Authorship Notebooks 1961 - 1962 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1099 Notebook with heading 'Sport'. c. Authorship Notebooks 1963 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1100 Notebook with notes on sports Authorship Notebooks 1963 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1101 Notebook with heading 'Notebook II' with notes on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1102 Notebook with heading '3rd Sportsbook' Authorship Notebooks 1962 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1103 Notebook with heading 4th sportsbook'. c.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1103 Notebook with heading '4th sportsbook'. c. Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1104 Notebook with notes on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1105 Notebook with notes on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1106 Notebook with amongst others notes on sports Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1107 Notebook with heading 'Mimesis' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1108 Notebook with amongst others notes on 'Problem of drink as a leisure occupation' (assistant's note). Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1109 Notebook with amongst others notes on leisure Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1110 Notebook with heading 'Cricket' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1111 Notebook with notes on duelling Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1112 Notebook with heading 'Sport and Violence' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1113 Notebook with notes on sports and hunting Authorship Notebooks 1963 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1114 Notebook with notes on sports (hunting, duelling) Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1115 Notebook with amongst others notes on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1116 Notebook with amongst others notes on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1117 Notebook with amongst others notes on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1118 Notebook with heading 'Lévy-Bruhl, Durkheim' Authorship Notebooks 1964 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1119 Notebook with heading 'Lévy-Bruhl, Boas on language' Authorship Notebooks 1964 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1120 Notebook with notes on Lévy-Bruhl Authorship Notebooks 1964 - 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1121 Notebook with notes on Lévy-Bruhl Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1122 Notebook with notes on Lévy-Bruhl Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1123 Notebook with amongst others notes on Lévy-Bruhl Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1124 Notebook with heading 'Comte' Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1125 Notebook with heading 'Comte' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1126 Notebook with heading 'Pareto, Lotze, problem of logic' Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1127 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1128 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1129 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1130 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1131 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1132 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1133 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1134 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1135 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1136 Notebook with amongst others notes concerning Ghanaian Essays Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1137 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1138 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1139 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1140 Notebook with amongst others notes on Max Weber Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1141 Notebook with notes on Max Weber Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1142 Notebook with notes concerning group charisma and group disgrace Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1143 Notebook with notes on group charisma, Ghanaian Essays, Lévy-Bruhl Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1144 Notebook with notes concerning Ghanaian Essays and group charisma Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1145 Notebook with notes on religion and group charisma Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1146 Notebook with amongst others notes on anthropology Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1147 Notebook with notes on anthropology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1148 Notebook with notes on anthropology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1149 Notebook with amongst others notes on anthropology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1150 Notebook with amongst others notes on anthropology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1151 Notebook with notes on physics (Aristotle, Middle Ages) Authorship Notebooks 1965 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1152 Notebook with notes on Aristotle Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1153 Notebook labelled '1' with notes on the sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks 1966 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1154 Notebook Authorship Notebooks 1967 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1155 Notebook Authorship Notebooks 1968 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1156 Notebook with heading 'Sociology of interstate conflict' Authorship Notebooks 1969 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1157 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Manuscripts Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1158 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1159 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1160 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1161 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1162 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1163 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1164 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1165 Notebook with heading 'Individual and Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1166 Notebook with notes on concepts of society and state Authorship Notebooks 1969 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1167 Notebook with heading 'Nation building' Authorship Notebooks 1969 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1168 Notebook with heading 'Nation building' Authorship Notebooks 1969 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1169 Notebook with notes on nation building - nationalism Authorship Notebooks 1969 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1170 Notebook with notes on state formation - nation building Authorship Notebooks 1969 Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1171 Notebook with notes on witches - witchcraft Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1172 Notebook with notes on witches - witchcraft Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1173 Notebook with amongst others notes on history and sociology, psychology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1174 Notebook with amongst others notes on self-consciousness Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1175 Notebook with notes on Homans Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1176 Notebook with amongst others notes on physics and psychology Authorship Poems and aphorisms Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1177 1 notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1178 1 notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1179 Notebook with amongst others notes concerning the sociology of sciences Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1180 Notebook with heading 'KLeine Heft 2' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1181 Notebook with amongst others notes on nobility Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1182 Notebook with amongst others notes on concept of development Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1183 Notebook with amongst others notes on development Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1184 Notebook with amongst others notes on leadership Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1185 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology and marxism and sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1186 Notebook with amongst others notes on the concepts of "culture" and "civilization" and sociology of race relations Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1187 Notebook with heading 'Discussion on problem of power' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1188 Notebook with amongst others notes on Britain Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1189 Notebook with amongst others notes on 'development and evaluation' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1190 Notebook with notes on comparison between English and French social strata Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1191 Notebook with heading 'Plutarch' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1192 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1193 Notebook with amongst others notes on personal pronouns Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1194 Notebook with notes on Ferguson Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1195 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1196 Notebook with amongst others notes on Comte Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1197 Notebook with heading 'Notes to Introduction' with notes on introduction to Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1198 notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1199 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1200 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1201 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1202 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1203 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1204 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1205 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1206 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1208 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1209 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1207 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1210 Notebook with heading 'Problem of Social Development. Continuation of Talk for Congress' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1211 Notebook. c. Authorship Notebooks 1962 - 1964 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1212 Notebook with notes on The Established and the Outsiders Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1213 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1214 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1215 Notebook with amongst others notes on Die höfische Gesellschaft and on sports Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1216 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1217 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1218 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1219 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1220 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1221 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1222 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1223 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1224 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1225 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1226 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1227 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1228 Notebook with amongst others notes on 'Philosophers and Sociologists' and notes on religion Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1229 Notebook with heading 'Heft I' with amongst others notes on Aristotle, Hobbes, social contract Authorship Notebooks 1970 - 1971 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1230 Notebook with heading 'Heft 2. Beginning of social science' Authorship Notebooks 1970 - 1971 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1231 Notebook with heading 'Heft 3' with notes on sociology of science Authorship Notebooks 1970 - 1971 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1232 Notebook with heading 'IV, Brunelleshi/Florence, Popper, Hume, much material' with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1233 Notebook with heading 'Konstanz, Einleitung zum Zivilisations prozess' Authorship Notebooks 1973 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1234 Notebook with heading 'No 1, time in antiquity' Authorship Notebooks 1974 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1235 Notebook with heading 'No 2, mostly time in antiquity and Problem of Time' Authorship Notebooks 1974 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1236 Notebook with heading 'Mostly time, no. 3' Authorship Notebooks 1974 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1237 Notebook with heading 'Mostly time, no. 4' Authorship Notebooks 1974 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1238 Notebook with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks 1974 - 1975 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1239 Notebook with notes on problem of time Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1240 Notebook with heading 'Zeit' Authorship Notebooks 1978 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1241 Notebook with heading 'Time Measurement' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1242 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1243 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1244 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1245 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1246 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1247 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1248 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1249 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1250 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1251 Notebooks with notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1252 Notebook with amongst others notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1253 Notebook with amongst others notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1254 Notebook with amongst others notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1255 Notebook with amongst others notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1256 Notebook with amongst others notes on the problem of time, poems Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1257 Notebook with possibly notes on the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1258 Notebook with amongst others notes probably concerning Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks 1975 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1259 Notebook 'Safari Diary' Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1260 Notebook with lecture notes and continuation of safari diary Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1261 Notebook with amongst others notes on lecture in Frankfurt-Bochum and notes on Drake and Doughty. c. Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1262 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1263 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1264 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1265 Notebook with amongst others notes on 'Mein Körper' (Involvement and Detachment). c. Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1266 Notebook with amongst others lecture notes. Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1267 Notebook with amongst others notes on problem of time, notes for American lecture. c. Authorship Notebooks 1978 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1268 Notebook with notes on Turgot, Oleinir, Ranke Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1269 Notebook with amongst others notes on the balance of power between the sexes Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1270 Notebook with heading 'Actions as Atoms of Society' with notes on Parson's theory of society Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1271 Notebook with amongst others notes on action theory and the concept of development. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1272 Notebook with heading 'Modern Definition of Society' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1273 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1274 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1275 Notebook with probably dictated notes on Adorno prize lecture Authorship Notebooks 1977 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1276 Notebook with heading 'Note-fragments on analytic and configurational sciences' Authorship Notebooks 1978 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1277 Notebook with amongst others notes on scientific establishments and the balance of power between the sexes c, Authorship Notebooks 1979 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1278 Notebook with notes on scientific establishments Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1279 Notebook with notes on scientific establishments Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1280 Notebook with amongst others notes on Zivilisation und Gewalt and scientific establishments Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1281 Notebook 'I' with heading 'Bloomington'. c. Authorship Notebooks 1982 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1282 Notebook 'II' with heading 'Bloomington'. c. Authorship Notebooks 1982 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1283 Notebook with amongst others notes on Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1284 Notebook with notes on 'Menschlichkeitsentwicklung'. Authorship Notebooks 1983 Book 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1285 Notebook with amongst others notes on Marxism and on new introduction to What is Sociology? Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1286 Notebook with amongst others notes on The Established and the Outsiders Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1287 Notebook with amongst others notes on established-outsiders relations Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1288 Notebook with amongst others notes on established-outsiders relations and on problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1289 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of science-knowledge, established and outsiders Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1290 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of science-knowledge, established and outsiders Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1291 Notebook with mainly bibliographical notes Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1292 Notebook with amongst others notes on biological evolution of homo sapiens and notes on natural and social sciences Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1293 Notebook with amongst others notes on evolutionary biology and philosophy of science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1294 Notebook with notes on biological evolution of homo sapiens and sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1295 Notebook with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1296 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1297 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1298 Notebook with amongst others notes on What is Sociology Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1299 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1300 Notebook with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1301 Notebook with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1302 Notebook with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1303 Notebook with notes on 'soziale Prozesse' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1304 Notebook from folder 'Towards a Theory of Sciences' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1305 Notebook from folder 'Towards a Theory of Sciences' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1306 Notebook with amongst others notes concerning Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1307 Notebook with amongst others notes concerning Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1308 Notebook with notes on the sociology of knowledge - science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1309 Notebook with amongst others notes on the sociology of science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1310 Notebook with amongst others notes on the sociology of science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1311 Notebook with notes on sociology of science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover or 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1312 Notebook with notes on sociology of science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover or 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1313 Notebook with heading 'Popper, Entwicklungsmodell' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1314 Notebook with notes on Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1315 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of sciences Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1316 Notebook with notes on sociology of sciences Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1317 Notebook with notes on sociology of science and introduction to Uber den Prozeß der Zivilisation Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1318 Notebook with notes concerning Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1319 Notebook with amongst others notes on the sociology of science Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1320 Notebook with amongst others notes on the sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1321 Notebook with notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1322 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1323 Notebook with amongst others notes on 'free explorations in research' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1324 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1325 Notebook found among manuscripts of Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1326 Notebook found among manuscripts of Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1327 Notebook found among manuscripts of Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1328 Notebook found among manuscripts of Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1329 Notebook with notes on sociology of science, Parsons, police Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1330 Notebook with notes on the sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1331 Notebook with notes on the sociology of knowledge Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1332 Notebook with notes on Involvement and Detachment Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1333 Notebook with notes on community and levels of integration Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1334 Notebook with notes on civilizing processes and the term 'civilization' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1335 Notebook with amongst others notes on the civilizing process Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1336 Notebook with heading 'Translation for new introduction to Prozess d. Zivilisation' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1337 Notebook with notes on the concept of civilization Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1338 Notebook with notes on new introduction to Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1339 File concerning new edition(s) of Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation with notebooks and notes Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1340 Notebook with notes related to Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1341 Notebook with amongst others notes on humans' perception of the self. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1342 Notebook with amongst others notes on long-term processes Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1343 Notebook with amongst others notes on education Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1344 Notebook with amongst others notes on Fenichel Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1345 Notebook with amongst others notes on Fenichel Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1346 Notebook with amongst others notes on Fenichel Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1347 Notebook with notes on art. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1348 Notebook with amongst others notes on art Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1349 Notebook with notes on African art Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1350 Notebook with notes on Mozart Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1351 Notebook with amongst others notes on Mozart Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1352 Notebook with amongst others notes on Mozart Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1353 Notebook with amongst others notes on Mozart Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1354 Notebook with notes on long-term development of humanity. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1355 Notebook with notes on long-term development of humanity and autobiographical notes Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1356 Notebook with amongst others notes on Soziale Kanons Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1357 Notebook with amongst others notes on Soziale Kanons Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1358 Notebook with amongst others notes on Soziale Kanons and for science conference Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1359 Notebook with notes on 'Theory of Development' (in assistant's handwriting) Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1360 Notebook with amongst others notes on problem of power. Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1361 Notebook with heading 'Introduction Power' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1362 Notebook with amongst others notes on power balances Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1363 Notebook with notes on poetry Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1364 Notebook with notes on poetry Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1365 Notebook with heading 'What are the rewards of established groups' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1366 Notebook with amongst others notes on naval profession Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1367 Notebook with notes on Die höfische Gesellschaft Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1368 Notebook with amongst others notes on leisure Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1369 Notebook with notes on incest(taboo) Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 vol.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1370 Notebook with amongst others notes on relations between adults and children Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1371 Notebook with amongst others notes on utopias Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1372 Notebook with amongst others notes on Max Weber Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 cover
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1373 Notebook. c. Authorship Notebooks 1971 Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1374 Notebook with heading 'Tensions in a (?) group' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1375 Notebook with amongst others notes on sociology and history Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1376 Notebook with notes on Turgot Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1377 Notebook with notes on 'old and new sociology' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1378 Notebooks with amongst others notes on 'Einführung in die Soziologie' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1379 Notebook with amongst others notes on the naval profession and the problem of time Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1380 Notebook with amongst others notes on 'Sociodynamics' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1381 Notebook with notes on sacrifice Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1382 Notebook with heading 'Standard of disobedience' Authorship Notebooks Book n.d. 1 quire.
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1383 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1384 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1385 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1386 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1387 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1388 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1389 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1390 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1391 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1392 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1393 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1394 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1395 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1396 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1397 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1398 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1399 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1400 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1401 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1402 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1403 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1404 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1405 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1406 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1408 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1407 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1409 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1410 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1411 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1412 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1413 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1414 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1415 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1416 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1417 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1418 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1419 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1420 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1421 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1422 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Eliar 1423 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1424 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1425 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1426 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1427 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1428 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1429 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1430 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1431 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1432 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1433 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach A-Elias 1434 Notebook Authorship Notebooks Book 1 quire
DLA Marbach