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Final reminder: deadline for ISA Vienna Forum 2016

Posted on by Stephen Mennell

Please remember that 30 September is the absolute deadline by which abstracts have to be submitted for papers to be presented at the ISA Forum in Vienna, 10-14 July 2016.

Figurational sociologists are strongly represented in WG02, Historical and Comaorative Sociology, and in RC20, Comparative Sociology. But figurationists write on everything, so if there aren’t appropriate sessions under those two sections of the ISA, do look at the full programme, at There’s bound to be some section that will host your work.

Let me put in a plug for my own WG02 session, on ‘In what ways can comparative–historical sociology help to improve the workings of the modern world?’ The contribution I am offering to myself is entitled ‘Why democracy cannot be dropped in bombs from B52s at 30,000 feet: the social bases of democracy revisited’. I hope the session will be provocative.

Abstracts can ONLY be submitted via the Confex website:

Don’t be late!

Stephen Mennell