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Appeal for help! – textual errors in Elias

Posted on by Stephen Mennell

We should appreciate readers’ help in preparing for publication the final group of volumes in the Collected Works of Norbert Elias in English.

We shall soon be embarking on editing the revised versions of the following texts:

What is Sociology?

Studies on the Germans (formerly The Germans)

On the Process of Civilisation (formerly The Civilizing Process)

Several friends have already pointed out misprints, typos, or debateable translations in earlier editions, and we would be grateful if anyone else who has made similar discoveries in relation to the above books would pass them on to us at an early opportunity.

You may send us a list of corrections, or, if you prefer, send the copy of the book containing your notes, which we would return as quickly as possible after copying them up.

Please send them to:  Stephen Mennell, School of Sociology, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, IRELAND.  (Fax: +353-1-716 1125

Richard Kilminster and Stephen Mennell