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Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift online

Good news in these difficult times: The university library of the State University of Groningen, the Netherlands, has digitalized all articles published in the Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift (AST), from the first issue in 1974 to the last one 2004, and made them available for everyone. They can be seen on

You can browse through the issues by clicking on ‘Archief’ or, at the right side, on ‘Op nummer’. Articles by a particular author can be found by clicking on ‘Op auteur’. For thirty years, AST was a main platform for discussions on figurational sociology and the theory of civilizing processes. See, for example, contributions by Norbert Elias, Eric Dunning, Johan Goudsblom, Abram de Swaan, Cas Wouters and Christien Brinkgreve, among others. Most articles are in Dutch, some are in English. All articles have English summaries.

Nico Wilterdink