Posted on March 1, 2013 by Stephen Mennell
Xalapa, Mexico, 17–19 April, 2013
During the last four years, once a year, we have been gathering here in Xalapa, capital city of the state of Veracruz, on the Mexican coast of the Gulf of Mexico, to analyse and to discuss the general subject matter of civility. The gathering has been conceived as a small forum, in which a reduced number of scholars present written contributions to the understanding of those forms and ways of living together that give place to the process of civilization, as theorised by Norbert Elias.
Content, length and format of papers
Papers must be original written contributions, not be published before under any format or means whatsoever. The length must be eight pages minimum and fifteen pages maximum, letter paper size, typed in Time New Romanfont, size 12, and 1.5 of interline space. Papers should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words, and by a maximum five key words.
The first page of the paper must indicate the title of the paper, the name of author(s), the institutional affiliation and institutional address of the author(s), and must also indicate an e-mail address for contact.
Papers should be written according to the format of the e-journal SubjeCivitas:
Abstracts and papers should be sent to:
Dr. Horacio González