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The latest issue of Human Figurations is now online

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Human Figurations journal – third issue live online

Human Figurations: Long-term Perspectives on the Human Condition is a new journal supported and sponsored by the Norbert Elias Foundation. The unifying theme of the journal Human Figurations is a broad concern with long-term processes of the development of human society and the human condition.

The third issue is live online, the contents are:

Title Author(s)
Editor’s Introduction Liston, Katie
The Advancement of Humanity Mazlish, Bruce
Water is not (yet) a commodity: Commodification and rationalization revisited Castro, José Esteban
American Civilization Jones, Charles A.
Emotions and Habitus of Officers as Reflected in Great Literature: The Case of the Habsburg Army from 1848 to 1918 Kuzmics, Helmut
Manufacturing Austerity in the Eurozone Clement, Matt
Norbert Elias and the Habits of Good Sociology Hughes, Jason
Book Reviews

More information about the journal is below. If you’d like to submit a paper for consideration please email

While Elias is best known for his theory of civilizing processes, he wrote on an astonishing range of topics, including violence, war, sport, ageing and dying, time, work, art, music, poetry, utopias and the relations between the sexes. Fundamentally, he advanced what have been called both a ‘post-philosophical’ theory of knowledge and the sciences, and an ‘historical social psychology’. His conception of the discipline of sociology was far broader than that which has now become institutionalized in the rather narrow departments of sociology in contemporary universities. In consequence, he inspires researchers from many disciplines, especially people working in the interstices between conventional disciplines: history (especially world historians and social historians), criminology, international relations, anthropology and political science. Human Figurations will attract contributions from across these fields, the unifying theme being a broad concern with long-term processes of the development of human society and the human condition.