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Short Process Reflections on the Pandemic 2.

The last post outlined the overlapping cooperative and competitive pressures that have come to the front stage during the current Corona-Zeiten (a time phrase used by the German media that directly translates as corona times). Time phrases like Corona-Zeiten are...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Call for papers – Norbert Elias and Sociology of Childhood

Norbert Elias and the Sociology of Childhood will be edited by Tatiana Savoia Landini (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil) Norman Gabriel (University of Essex, United Kingdom), and published by Palgrave. Since its emergence in the 1990s, the growing field...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Short Process Reflections on the Pandemic 1.

Originally, I started drafting this series of reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic in late March/April. It should come as no surprise that the relations, which were perceptible earlier in the year have continued into August. The late Johan Goudsblom has...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Virtual Symposium: Interdependencies in process

 XVIII International Symposium on Civilizing Processes Dates 17, 18, 19 and 20 November 2020 Bogotá, Colombia time: 08h30 to 18h00.   The presence of the coronavirus, especially in Latin America, generated changes in academic activities that involved the participation...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Cambio: Open Lab in Covid-19

The Italian journal Cambio, which aims to promote theoretical and analytical debates at the international level, based on contributions focused on change processes that affect individuals and societies, created an Open Lab section to accelerate the publication of studies related...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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XVIII International Symposium on Civilizing Processes 2020: Changes due to COVID-19 crisis.

  Greetings, Many university activities and events planned for this year 2020 have been affected by the global health crisis of COVID-19. The case of international events is even more sensitive, since borders have been closed in some countries and...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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In Memoriam Johan Goudsblom (1932-2020)

by Nico Wilterdink On March 17 of this year, Johan (Joop for friends) Goudsblom died at the age of 87 in his hometown Amsterdam. From 1968 until his retirement in 1997 he was a professor of sociology at the University...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Joop Goudsblom: A Short Reading List

  In his obituary for the late Johan Goudsblom (1932–2020), Stephen Mennell mentioned some examples that showcased Joop’s particular synthesis of bio-ecological evolution and sociological developments. The following post expands some of Stephen’s remarks through a brief introduction to 4...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Nathalie Heinich: Eliasian reflections on “self-isolation” in the pandemic

In the original French, this article appeared in Le Monde, 4 April 2020, under the title « Il y a ce à quoi nous sommes reliés, nous tous, confinés mais interdépendants, responsables, solidaires et fiers de l’être »   Like any...

Last edited on: 2021-09-29

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Interdependencies with the Brazilian community

In order to expand the interdependence networks in figurational studies, it is with a great satisfaction that we inform that the Norbert Elias Foundation’s Blog, from now on, will contain posts with content produced by Brazilian researchers. Given Brazil’s interest...

Last edited on: 2020-03-27

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