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Human Figurations journal lastest issue

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The most recent issue of the Human Figurations journal is now available to read online*?rgn=full+text

Editor’s Introduction: Swimming against the tide
Liston, Katie

Towards a Process-oriented Model of Democratisation or De-Democratisation
Alikhani, Behrouz

The debate about utopias from a sociological perspective
Kilminster, Richard

From Cultural Trauma to Nuclear War? Interpreting the Iranian-Israeli Conflict
Yair, Gad; Akbari, Behzad

‘Not under my roof’: Teenage Sexuality and Status Competition in the USA and the Netherlands since the 1880s
Wouters, Cas

Globalisation and the ‘American dream’
Mennell, Stephen

Four Theories of Informalization and How to Test Them
Collins, Randall