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Figurations 34 in the post – at last

Posted on February 2, 2011 by Stephen Mennell Figurations 34, which should have been posted out to readers at the beginning of December, has been posted today from Amsterdam. Apologies again for the delay. To make matters worse, today we...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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2012: ISA and IIS both announce major conferences

Posted on February 1, 2011 by Stephen Mennell As you may be aware both the International Institute of Sociology (IIS) World Congress (Delhi between 16–19 February) and International Sociological Association (ISA) Forum (Buenos Aires between 1–4 August) are being held...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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BSA Conference 6-8 April 2011 – TWO Elias sessions

Posted on January 28, 2011 by Stephen Mennell From Katie Liston and Jonathan Fletcher (Convenors) We are pleased at last to be able to notify participants, and especially those who have offered papers, that the British Sociological Association has now...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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Norbert Elias Prize, 2011

Posted on January 9, 2011 by Stephen Mennell The seventh Norbert Elias Prize will be awarded in 2011. The Prize consists in a sum of €1,000 and it will be awarded to a significant first major book published between 1...

Last edited on: 2011-01-09

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Norbert Elias: Beyond Freud

Posted on January 9, 2011 by Stephen Mennell Norbert Elias, Au-delà de Freud: sociologie, psychologie, psychanalyse (Paris: La Découverte, 2010). Edited by Marc Joly; translated from English and German by Nicolas Guilhot, Marc Joly and Valentine Meunier; with an afterword...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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The Society of Individuals published

Posted on January 7, 2011 by Stephen Mennell The latest volume to appear of the Collected Works of Norbert Elias in English is: Norbert Elias, The Society of Individuals (Dublin: UCD Press, 10 December 2010 [Collected Works. vol. 10]). xvi...

Last edited on: 2011-01-07

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Norbert Elias Prize, 2011

Posted on January 9, 2011 by Stephen Mennell The seventh Norbert Elias Prize will be awarded in 2011. The Prize consists in a sum of €1,000 and it will be awarded to a significant first major book published between 1...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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Emotions in the Medieval and Early Modern World

Posted on November 30, 2010 by Stephen Mennell In addition to the conference in Adelaide mentioned in the previous post below, a related conference on ‘Emotions in the medieval and early modern world” will be held just prior to that,...

Last edited on: 2010-11-30

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Emotions in the Medieval and Early Modern World

Posted on November 30, 2010 by Stephen Mennell In addition to the conference in Adelaide mentioned in the previous post below, a related conference on ‘Emotions in the medieval and early modern world” will be held just prior to that,...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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CfP: Norbert Elias, emotional styles and historical change, 14-15 June, University of Adelaide

Posted on November 23, 2010 by admin An Interdisciplinary Collaboratory – ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Change Program, University of Adelaide 1. Conceptualization This is an international Collaboratory on the historical development of emotional styles in...

Last edited on: 2021-10-01

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